Frequently Asked Questions about the Ancient Olympic Games
How were the athletes trained?Side A: trainer at center Photograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of Harvard University Art Museums Athletics were a key part of education in ancient Greece. Many Greeks believed that developing the body was equally important as improving the mind for overall health. Also, regular exercise was important in a society where men were always needed for military service. Plato's Laws specifically mentions how athletics improved military skills. Greek youth therefore worked out in the wrestling-school (palaestra) whether they were serious Olympic contenders or not. Photograph by Michael Bennett The palaestra (wrestling-school) was one of the most popular places for Greek men of all ages to socialize. Many accounts of Greek daily life include scenes in these wrestling-schools, such as the opening of Plato's Charmides. Young men worked with athletic trainers who used long sticks to point out incorrect body positions and other faults. Trainers paid close attention to balancing the types of physical exercise and the athlete's diet. The Greeks also thought that harmonious movement was very important, so athletes often exercised to flute music. Tondo: strigil Photograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of Harvard University Art Museums After exercise, they cleaned themselves by rubbing oil over their bodies and scraping the mix of oil, sweat, and dirt off with a special instrument called a strigil. Bronze strigil Photograph by Maria Daniels, courtesy of Harvard Art Museums Ancient competitors were required to train at Olympia for a month before the Games officially started, like modern competitors at the Olympic Village. To read more about these topics, see Further Resources.
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