Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
A Late Roman Bath at Corinth: Excavations in the Panayia Field, 1995-1996
Guy D. R. Sanders
Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1999) pp. 441-480
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[1264 words] room, wall, floor, building, fill, level, trench, pottery, walls, fragments, debris, house, layer, corner, earth, deposit, construction, along, stones, destruction, rooms, built, bedrock, sherds, clay, early, excavated, phase, levels, upper
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[1154 words] wall, walls, room, building, house, rooms, built, plan, houses, floor, entrance, door, court, stone, construction, buildings, central, palace, roof, structure, level, front, upper, chamber, wide, interior, space, rectangular, corner, open
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[825 words] body, handle, foot, glaze, base, fragment, neck, diam, clay, black, shoulder, handles, bowl, reserved, inside, lower, fragments, wall, slightly, upper, bottom, band, vertical, ring, shape, glazed, flat, interior, horizontal, diameter
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[751 words] white, black, clay, brown, color, gray, fabric, ware, yellow, slip, dark, paint, buff, coarse, painted, reddish, inclusions, burnished, exterior, bowl, interior, core, fragment, green, fragments, glaze, blue, sherd, base, hard
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[357 words] corinth, hesperia, corinthian, isthmia, broneer, sanctuary, williams, pottery, nemea, forum, k_williams, footnote, temple, zervos, charles, theater, early, weinberg, poseidon, temenos, stoa, acrocorinth, demeter, christ, athens, southwest, lechaion, spring, fisher, g_miller
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[349 words] agora, lamps, hesperia, amphora, thompson, athens, pottery, hellenistic, amphoras, terracotta, athenian_agora, attic, deposit, lamp, early, corinthian, corinth, stamp, stamped, _4th_century, stamps, clay, bowls, fragments, handles, _2nd_century, jars, terracottas, _3rd_century, pieces
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[331 words] block, blocks, upper, edge, bottom, face, holes, stone, length, lower, height, base, front, hole, wide, width, cutting, sides, diameter, feet, broken, vertical, corner, high, ends, edges, position, along, flat, slightly
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[257 words] water, channel, aqueduct, basin, bath, baths, pipes, frontinus, shank, aqueducts, pipe, flow, aqua, fountain, tunnel, bathing, reservoir, tank, marcia, pool, anio, channels, supply, basins, mill, hydraulic, claudia, water_supply, canal, orata
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[217 words] building, city, early, excavated, period, buildings, finds, walls, pottery, complex, town, hellenistic, revealed, structures, located, architectural, byzantine, periods, built, construction, occupation, sanctuary, structure, houses, plan, uncovered, around, tombs, along, wadi
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[85 words] pottery, grave, vases, ware, shape, vessels, graves, geometric, early, decoration, bowls, sherds, shapes, fragments, period, wares, tomb, burial, painted, cups, pots, burials, bowl, decorated, vessel, jars, pieces, vase, handles, protogeometric
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[74 words] neolithic, greece, data, obsidian, artifacts, prehistoric, lerna, analysis, blades, samples, regional, southern, radiocarbon, bronze_age, landscape, franchthi, tools, production, valley, blade, argolid, cave, runnels, faunal, ceramic, region, deposits, materials, flakes, cores
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[63 words] context, simply, position, hypothesis, argued, text, makes, claim, explain, suggestion, correct, grounds, reasons, alternative, actually, argue, moreover, attempt, surely, obvious, accept, argues, unlikely, enough, issue, sense, passage, presumably, difficulties, plausible
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[60 words] glass, iron, copper, metal, lead, bronze, clay, silver, process, gold, mining, analysis, mines, samples, ingots, materials, casting, produced, sample, production, metals, chemical, analyses, furnace, oxide, firing, glaze, alloy, temperature, smelting
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[47 words] average, size, numbers, population, high, proportion, data, length, ratio, higher, units, frequency, rate, range, increase, groups, percentage, relative, estimate, amount, lower, statistics, value, significant, approximately, sample, distribution, mean, greater, unit
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[43 words] comments, suggestions, helpful, anonymous, help, version, advice, draft, assistance, valuable, referee, express, gratitude, referees, encouragement, professors, provided, reading, criticism, seminar, criticisms, generous, humanities, drafts, grant, colleagues, acknowledge, classics, delivered, errors
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[35 words] church, byzantine, basilica, christian, churches, christ, apse, early_christian, constantinople, nave, mediaeval, mosaic, mosaics, monastery, twelfth, inscription, cross, sophia, eleventh, chapel, narthex, saint, frescoes, chalice, byzantium, sixth, tenth, mosque, mango, dome
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[33 words] analysis, sources, understanding, individual, information, context, questions, literary, texts, development, role, provide, structure, aspects, early, basic, complex, traditional, range, provides, data, function, significant, patterns, process, useful, pattern, attempt, limited, techniques
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[29 words] pattern, decoration, design, lines, painted, white, decorated, leaves, border, band, panel, ornament, black, bands, motif, central, panels, dots, lower, upper, patterns, palmette, designs, incised, decorative, motifs, palmettes, double, frieze, center
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