Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
A Late Receipt for Syntaximon
O. M. Pearl
Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1951) pp. 193-195
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[114 words] papyrus, papyri, egypt, text, wilcken, document, mich, documents, hunt, karanis, letter, alexandria, oxyrhynchus, ostraca, zenon, lines, grenfell, egyptian, ostracon, preisigke, youtie, receipts, texts, ostr, line, prefect, poxy, written, amundsen, receipt
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[51 words] money, property, paid, payment, amount, price, talents, land, sale, value, financial, cost, received, wealth, gold, private, treasury, public, taxes, drachmas, sold, denarii, payments, income, sesterces, silver, debt, funds, contract, loan
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[20 words] leto, balbilla, memnon, damo, zabughin, bernand, choer, pomponian, balbillus, bernadakis, colossus, agrees, akko, anon, finckh, tasso, codd, kvve, deest, elmb, nath, pomponio, insurgerent, bowie, funisulanus, xatpe, bern, kopvs
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[18 words] hadrian, emperor, severus, caracalla, commodus, marcus, reign, trajan, historia_augusta, marcus_aurelius, septimius_severus, vita, emperors, aurelian, victor, eutropius, herodian, gallienus, pius, jerome, imperial, antoninus, decius, philip, verus, septimius, caes, epitome, antoninus_pius, pertinax
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[16 words] true, passage, words, merely, matter, position, suppose, regard, name, enough, natural, mention, difficulty, period, prove, having, regarded, himself, except, facts, really, naturally, supposed, definite, makes, assumed, alone, correct, actually, referred
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[13 words] imperial, emperor, city, empire, local, official, public, provincial, status, officials, office, cities, emperors, provinces, governor, administration, freedmen, title, service, private, municipal, military, hadrian, augustus, period, rank, inscription, offices, reign, equestrian
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[12 words] name, names, named, etymology, nomen, naming, cognomen, word, his_name, praenomen, hermogenes, etymological, cognomina, latin, wordplay, cratylus, proper_names, patronymic, derived, proper_name, praenomina, nomina, etymologizing, title, etymologies, correctness, gentile, conventionalism, spelling, ethnic
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