Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
Introduction of the Katalogeis of the Athenian Cavalry
Glenn R. Bugh
Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1982) pp. 23-32
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[372 words] army, cavalry, battle, soldiers, military, troops, enemy, infantry, legions, fighting, camp, force, soldier, hoplite, units, phalanx, legion, hoplites, forces, armies, service, warfare, weapons, officers, shields, formation, attack, shield, iuniores, archers
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[231 words] solon, athenian, aristotle, athens, assembly, laws, constitution, boule, citizens, phratry, office, areopagus, democracy, demos, tribes, athenians, archons, rhodes, decree, tribe, magistrates, genos, body, hansen, fourth_century, fifth_century, meetings, phratries, archon, tribal
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[189 words] himself, friends, political, personal, public, friend, whom, friendship, attitude, position, reputation, conduct, having, towards, toward, enemies, praise, private, cause, return, influence, claim, speech, charges, power, true, actions, themselves, felt, career
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[111 words] athenian, slaves, athens, slave, finley, citizen, athenians, citizens, demosthenes, security, slavery, davies, apollodorus, free, classical_athens, property, metics, eisphora, wealth, pasion, apollodoros, hubris, horoi, wealthy, metic, speaker, status, city, cohen, citizenship
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[81 words] passage, kata, tovs, rpos, kara, trov, rovs, kalt, avrov, rapa, katl, tovto, repl, tols, words, aaaa, evov, passages, kacl, follows, evos, otov, rots, avtov, kcal, rept, elval, tovtov, rtov, a7ro
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