Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
Original Elements in Cicero's Ideal Constitution
Clinton Walker Keyes
American Journal of Philology. (1921) pp. 309-323
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[558 words] senate, imperium, office, consuls, consul, magistrates, mommsen, augustus, provinces, senators, consular, senatorial, praetor, power, elections, tribunes, magistrate, republic, laws, caesar, consulship, election, passed, censors, cicero, powers, senatus, decree, procedure, period
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[161 words] esse, atque, enim, etiam, quid, neque, cicero, eius, nihil, quidem, esset, tamen, nisi, mihi, sibi, quibus, erat, causa, haec, fuit, omnia, modo, quem, autem, omnes, ipse, sine, quis, ille, rerum
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