Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
Cleopatra and "The Treasure of the Ptolemies."
T. Robert S. Broughton
American Journal of Philology. (1942) pp. 328-332
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[166 words] money, property, paid, payment, amount, price, talents, land, sale, value, financial, cost, received, wealth, gold, private, treasury, public, taxes, drachmas, sold, denarii, payments, income, sesterces, silver, debt, funds, contract, loan
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[96 words] king, ptolemy, kings, antiochos, royal, antiochus, egypt, ptolemaic, parthian, armenia, mithridates, arsinoe, ptolemies, alexandria, seleucid, kingdom, reign, hellenistic, antioch, throne, cleopatra, ptolemaios, parthians, philadelphus, euergetes, parthia, queen, polemo, title, tigranes
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[77 words] army, city, military, took, troops, himself, control, power, events, position, situation, policy, force, sent, return, revolt, attack, victory, peace, forces, defeat, action, soon, attempt, success, battle, enemy, became, command, remained
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[40 words] egyptian, egypt, dynasty, tomb, alexandria, king, nile, temple, egyptians, cairo, petrie, tombs, scarabs, period, osiris, isis, reign, sarapis, pyramid, ptolemaic, naukratis, royal, thebes, memphis, scarab, alexandrian, amarna, sesostris, middle_kingdom, rowe
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[34 words] cicero, sulla, pompey, caesar, crassus, marius, senate, catiline, pompeius, clodius, consul, sallust, plutarch, plut, consulship, cato, lucullus, metellus, political, appian, badian, piso, gabinius, scaurus, tribune, praetor, antonius, broughton, curio, cinna
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[32 words] gibbon, eskimo, copa, magdalenian, spurs, alaska, thule, sargent, decline_and_fall, palaeolithic, essai, observations, memoirs, mathiassen, france, punuk, hoffman, draft, bone, edward, berl, womersley, canada, piette, craddock, bodl, aurignacian, breuil, collins, alaskan
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[25 words] papyrus, papyri, egypt, text, wilcken, document, mich, documents, hunt, karanis, letter, alexandria, oxyrhynchus, ostraca, zenon, lines, grenfell, egyptian, ostracon, preisigke, youtie, receipts, texts, ostr, line, prefect, poxy, written, amundsen, receipt
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[22 words] josephus, jews, jewish, philo, herod, jerusalem, synagogue, judaea, alexandria, hebrew, judaism, nicolaus, temple, justus, agrippa, esther, bellum, vita, antiquitates, palestine, romans, luke, hyrcanus, tiberias, sepphoris, abraham, moses, daphidas, haman, aristobulus
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[21 words] caesar, pompey, lucan, antony, octavian, brutus, cicero, appian, cato, civil_war, pollio, suetonius, antonius, caes, augustus, plutarch, cassius, pompeius, cleopatra, suet, curio, pharsalia, plut, julius_caesar, caesars, domitius, plancus, italy, hirtius, actium
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[20 words] himself, true, truth, matter, criticism, merely, facts, really, real, passage, attempt, false, claim, accept, words, knowledge, belief, enough, regard, prove, makes, error, simply, wrong, statements, critics, surely, actually, serious, take
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[19 words] period, early, development, influence, forms, developed, earliest, tradition, stage, beginning, became, become, changes, periods, characteristic, process, result, tendency, greater, true, sixth, introduced, throughout, marked, fourth, stages, longer, began, fifth_century, simple
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[15 words] himself, friends, political, personal, public, friend, whom, friendship, attitude, position, reputation, conduct, having, towards, toward, enemies, praise, private, cause, return, influence, claim, speech, charges, power, true, actions, themselves, felt, career
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[13 words] cicero, letter, letters, atticus, written, caesar, quintus, brutus, correspondence, catiline, wrote, bailey, marcus, shackleton, tiro, writing, pompey, nepos, tyrrell, balbus, himself, friend, purser, terentia, lucceius, tullia, matius, atticum, trebatius, catilinarian
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[13 words] story, king, himself, told, tale, night, city, sent, house, killed, away, having, whom, father, took, home, stories, wife, his_father, version, woman, child, return, dream, his_wife, dead, gave, children, mother, hands
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[12 words] bronze, gold, objects, silver, iron, metal, ivory, ring, beads, rings, pieces, glass, tomb, stone, sword, object, handle, vessels, grave, wooden, weapons, blade, swords, jewelry, collection, shape, piece, bronzes, bowl, helmet
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[11 words] passage, kata, tovs, rpos, kara, trov, rovs, kalt, avrov, rapa, katl, tovto, repl, tols, words, aaaa, evov, passages, kacl, follows, evos, otov, rots, avtov, kcal, rept, elval, tovtov, rtov, a7ro
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[10 words] collection, information, athens, done, knowledge, received, collections, objects, carried, completed, valuable, investigation, progress, devoted, country, task, service, hope, greece, visit, sent, every, volume, gave, soon, museums, value, german, full, future
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[9 words] source, text, sources, passage, information, works, passages, written, version, fragments, name, authors, quoted, tradition, literary, mention, fragment, extant, books, himself, wrote, early, writers, title, commentary, quotations, texts, derived, knowledge, collection
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[9 words] himself, young, ever, whom, every, your, days, things, mind, wrote, spirit, enough, something, true, famous, friend, words, youth, country, poet, knew, high, become, love, take, poor, name, story, master, living
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