Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
Corn and Coin: A Note on Greek Commercial Monopolies
C. H. V. Sutherland
American Journal of Philology. (1943) pp. 129-147
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[610 words] coins, coin, coinage, silver, reverse, bronze, mint, struck, hoard, obverse, issues, issue, bust, legend, numismatic, gold, denarius, uncertain, issued, hoards, mattingly, wreath, weight, minted, emperor, period, mints, athena, currency, denarii
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[466 words] trade, economic, population, local, production, city, italy, empire, cities, urban, commercial, period, early, economy, market, rural, goods, towns, roman_empire, wealth, products, region, commerce, slaves, industry, grain, decline, italian, distribution, agricultural
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[180 words] athens, athenian, athenians, thucydides, fleet, ships, persian, battle, herodotus, persians, salamis, spartans, greeks, thuc, spartan, sparta, marathon, samos, diodorus, aegina, allies, themistocles, revolt, sent, naval, island, persia, chios, tissaphernes, victory
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[149 words] period, early, development, influence, forms, developed, earliest, tradition, stage, beginning, became, become, changes, periods, characteristic, process, result, tendency, greater, true, sixth, introduced, throughout, marked, fourth, stages, longer, began, fifth_century, simple
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