Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
On Stuffing Quilts (Plaut. Epid. 455)
Sandra Sider
American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1978) pp. 41-44
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[113 words] hair, dress, worn, weaving, clothing, garment, purple, cloth, costume, wear, wearing, garments, loom, wool, women, clothes, cloak, textiles, toga, shoes, wore, linen, textile, woven, warp, tunic, robe, dressed, spinning, wild
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[45 words] context, simply, position, hypothesis, argued, text, makes, claim, explain, suggestion, correct, grounds, reasons, alternative, actually, argue, moreover, attempt, surely, obvious, accept, argues, unlikely, enough, issue, sense, passage, presumably, difficulties, plausible
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[42 words] patterns, lines, vergil, repeats, dsss, every, homodyne, pattern, percentage, aeneid, hexameter, percentages, dactyls, sabb, dsds, cento, spondees, ddss, fourth-foot, poets, eclogues, frequent, duckworth, verses, metrical, sdss, proba, ddsd, dssd, horace
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[31 words] esse, enim, autem, etiam, haec, tamen, quidem, atque, quia, vero, apud, modo, quibus, quid, quoque, dicitur, neque, nihil, eius, quasi, inter, videtur, igitur, omnia, potest, loco, ergo, nisi, unde, illud
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