Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
The Classical Reading League of New York State
Mason D. Gray
Classical Journal. (Nov., 1917) pp. 111-117
Full text at JStor
[200 words] latin, english, language, teacher, student, reading, teachers, teaching, pupils, words, vocabulary, knowledge, pupil, translation, method, classics, grammar, schools, training, learning, taught, education, teach, learn, value, instruction, every, high_school, languages, ability
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[154 words] latin, proceedings, review, volume, boston, weekly, american_philological_association, frank, charles, title, classical_philology, henry, translation, books, oldfather, edition, english, publications, philological, moore, gildersleeve, horace, edward, cloth, smith, entitled, fowler, scott, session, cicero
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[146 words] latin, classics, teachers, program, teaching, courses, schools, programs, classicists, high_school, humanities, education, teacher, student, colleges, curriculum, national, conference, materials, summer, information, educational, camws, classroom, departments, computer, foreign_language, scholarship, faculty, teach
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[47 words] collection, information, athens, done, knowledge, received, collections, objects, carried, completed, valuable, investigation, progress, devoted, country, task, service, hope, greece, visit, sent, every, volume, gave, soon, museums, value, german, full, future
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[31 words] mass, conn, charles, new_haven, henry, baltimore, washington, mich, edward, yale_university, boston, columbia_university, new_york_city, university_of_california_berkeley, hall, frank, arthur, i900, high_school, st_louis, ann_arbor, mary, street, herbert, smith, cleveland, tenn, brooklyn, dean, providence
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[20 words] ovid, vergil, virgil, poem, poet, poetry, poets, aeneid, poems, epic, metamorphoses, horace, latin, georgics, catullus, fasti, lucan, works, poetic, culex, heroides, lines, ciris, verse, ovidian, lucretius, literary, verses, tristia, amores
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[17 words] true, passage, words, merely, matter, position, suppose, regard, name, enough, natural, mention, difficulty, period, prove, having, regarded, himself, except, facts, really, naturally, supposed, definite, makes, assumed, alone, correct, actually, referred
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[16 words] secretary, volume, cents, proceedings, price, subscription, american_philological_association, treasurer, membership, november, weekly, session, chairman, executive_committee, atlantic, states, transactions, officers, matter, philological, subscriptions, corporation, post_office, fund, dues, february, issues, shares, entered, monday
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[16 words] text, translation, edition, volume, introduction, books, pages, commentary, illustrations, translations, works, index, volumes, useful, page, maps, texts, english, chapter, editions, latin, reader, translated, contains, authors, chapters, excellent, review, scholarship, full
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[14 words] homer, homeric, iliad, odyssey, epic, poet, poems, oral, poetry, tradition, parry, poets, poem, similes, traditional, composition, hesiod, formulaic, formula, heroic, poetic, lord, epics, simile, language, oral_poetry, singer, verse, narrative, formulas
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[13 words] army, city, military, took, troops, himself, control, power, events, position, situation, policy, force, sent, return, revolt, attack, victory, peace, forces, defeat, action, soon, attempt, success, battle, enemy, became, command, remained
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[12 words] your, something, take, things, thing, enough, done, really, anything, himself, look, mind, mean, away, going, want, keep, matter, sort, every, kind, doing, else, tell, suppose, having, ever, words, help, understand
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[9 words] athens, sparta, peace, philip, league, athenian, thebes, alliance, athenians, cities, treaty, allies, demosthenes, states, argos, boeotia, greece, thebans, spartan, theban, spartans, persia, embassy, king, boeotian, thessaly, decree, corinth, greeks, policy
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[7 words] average, size, numbers, population, high, proportion, data, length, ratio, higher, units, frequency, rate, range, increase, groups, percentage, relative, estimate, amount, lower, statistics, value, significant, approximately, sample, distribution, mean, greater, unit
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[7 words] himself, true, truth, matter, criticism, merely, facts, really, real, passage, attempt, false, claim, accept, words, knowledge, belief, enough, regard, prove, makes, error, simply, wrong, statements, critics, surely, actually, serious, take
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[7 words] virgil, vergil, theocritus, eclogue, poem, pastoral, poet, georgics, eclogues, song, daphnis, gallus, poetry, idyll, bucolic, lines, tityrus, corydon, menalcas, lycidas, silenus, aristaeus, meliboeus, polyphemus, shepherd, poems, servius, galatea, damoetas, golden_age
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[6 words] socrates, plato, protagoras, knowledge, dialogue, justice, meno, gorgias, socratic, virtue, true, apology, euthyphro, himself, republic, thrasymachus, wisdom, things, callicles, truth, dialogues, sophists, crito, definition, vlastos, claim, irony, laws, xenophon, hippias
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[6 words] himself, friends, political, personal, public, friend, whom, friendship, attitude, position, reputation, conduct, having, towards, toward, enemies, praise, private, cause, return, influence, claim, speech, charges, power, true, actions, themselves, felt, career
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[5 words] plato, republic, dialogues, socrates, platonic, laws, phaedo, dialogue, timaeus, ideas, phaedrus, parmenides, sophist, aristotle, taylor, philosophy, philebus, philosophical, theaetetus, cratylus, platon, cornford, burnet, doctrine, gorgias, dialectic, critias, method, symposium, passage
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[5 words] cicero, letter, letters, atticus, written, caesar, quintus, brutus, correspondence, catiline, wrote, bailey, marcus, shackleton, tiro, writing, pompey, nepos, tyrrell, balbus, himself, friend, purser, terentia, lucceius, tullia, matius, atticum, trebatius, catilinarian
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[5 words] horace, odes, poem, poet, maecenas, carm, poetry, stanza, poems, horatian, lyric, fraenkel, augustus, nisbet, lines, stanzas, epode, hubbard, poetic, epistles, horaz, alcaeus, epodes, line, commager, carmen, plancus, bacchus, theme, epist
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[5 words] cicero, quintilian, orator, rhetorical, rhetoric, oratory, speech, brutus, de_oratore, cato, orat, speeches, quint, latin, ciceronian, eloquence, gellius, dialogue, orators, seneca, crassus, declamation, antonius, rhet, brut, calvus, oratorical, herennium, auctor, laelius
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