Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
The Comic Appeal of the Unsequential
Lane Cooper
Classical Journal. (Jun., 1924) pp. 566
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[48 words] aristotle, tragedy, poetics, tragic, poetry, plot, pity, comedy, drama, action, poet, imitation, fear, characters, emotions, mimesis, catharsis, dramatic, definition, moral, aristotelian, audience, else, chapter, bywater, pleasure, hamartia, pathos, play, poets
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[23 words] himself, true, truth, matter, criticism, merely, facts, really, real, passage, attempt, false, claim, accept, words, knowledge, belief, enough, regard, prove, makes, error, simply, wrong, statements, critics, surely, actually, serious, take
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[17 words] narrative, events, chapter, section, books, beginning, story, sections, sequence, chapters, begins, follows, passage, composition, theme, structure, digression, followed, lines, opening, introduction, chronological, immediately, treatment, event, division, preceding, arrangement, passages, action
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[13 words] soul, body, plotinus, plato, matter, intellect, souls, timaeus, universe, evil, divine, doctrine, things, intelligible, principle, bodies, cosmos, power, proclus, demiurge, cause, passage, forms, platonic, nous, sense, idea, rational, myth, immortal
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[13 words] latin, proceedings, review, volume, boston, weekly, american_philological_association, frank, charles, title, classical_philology, henry, translation, books, oldfather, edition, english, publications, philological, moore, gildersleeve, horace, edward, cloth, smith, entitled, fowler, scott, session, cicero
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[5 words] your, something, take, things, thing, enough, done, really, anything, himself, look, mind, mean, away, going, want, keep, matter, sort, every, kind, doing, else, tell, suppose, having, ever, words, help, understand
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