Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
Linking the Old and the New in Italy (Continued)
Walton Brooks McDaniel
The Classical Weekly. (May 16, 1949) pp. 242-245
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[196 words] women, marriage, children, woman, wife, family, child, slave, mother, husband, slaves, daughter, married, father, male, female, her_husband, parents, his_wife, status, wives, household, young, girl, bride, marry, birth, sons, girls, sexual
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[116 words] himself, young, ever, whom, every, your, days, things, mind, wrote, spirit, enough, something, true, famous, friend, words, youth, country, poet, knew, high, become, love, take, poor, name, story, master, living
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[114 words] atti, nella, florence, naples, nell, degli, sulla, italia, romano, alla, turin, archeologia, greca, istituto, napoli, onore, ricerche, pisa, bologna, antichita, italian, antico, classica, bari, mondo, sull, cultura, argues, secolo, greco
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[88 words] dead, magic, burial, funeral, body, rites, magical, belief, divination, ritual, custom, tomb, buried, omen, corpse, power, omens, frazer, superstition, rite, cremation, bones, spirits, gods, practices, religious, deceased, lupercalia, funerary, romans
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[82 words] secretary, volume, cents, proceedings, price, subscription, american_philological_association, treasurer, membership, november, weekly, session, chairman, executive_committee, atlantic, states, transactions, officers, matter, philological, subscriptions, corporation, post_office, fund, dues, february, issues, shares, entered, monday
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[54 words] wine, food, drinking, drink, banquet, meal, feast, meat, water, dinner, guests, bread, eating, milk, feasting, fish, dining, honey, athenaeus, feasts, cooking, served, consumption, symposium, foods, cook, host, choes, diet, couch
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[49 words] political, power, democracy, city, politics, citizens, rule, government, democratic, polis, laws, constitution, community, republic, aristocratic, empire, individual, freedom, ideal, aristocracy, citizen, economic, wealth, control, monarchy, tyranny, oligarchy, states, athens, institutions
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[46 words] eyes, thou, your, night, earth, away, heart, thee, blood, forth, love, simile, sleep, beauty, tears, mind, poet, lines, heaven, hands, comes, words, gods, song, water, face, sound, passage, dark, sweet
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[42 words] money, property, paid, payment, amount, price, talents, land, sale, value, financial, cost, received, wealth, gold, private, treasury, public, taxes, drachmas, sold, denarii, payments, income, sesterces, silver, debt, funds, contract, loan
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[26 words] himself, friends, political, personal, public, friend, whom, friendship, attitude, position, reputation, conduct, having, towards, toward, enemies, praise, private, cause, return, influence, claim, speech, charges, power, true, actions, themselves, felt, career
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[23 words] your, something, take, things, thing, enough, done, really, anything, himself, look, mind, mean, away, going, want, keep, matter, sort, every, kind, doing, else, tell, suppose, having, ever, words, help, understand
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[22 words] trade, economic, population, local, production, city, italy, empire, cities, urban, commercial, period, early, economy, market, rural, goods, towns, roman_empire, wealth, products, region, commerce, slaves, industry, grain, decline, italian, distribution, agricultural
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[19 words] hair, dress, worn, weaving, clothing, garment, purple, cloth, costume, wear, wearing, garments, loom, wool, women, clothes, cloak, textiles, toga, shoes, wore, linen, textile, woven, warp, tunic, robe, dressed, spinning, wild
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[17 words] imperial, emperor, city, empire, local, official, public, provincial, status, officials, office, cities, emperors, provinces, governor, administration, freedmen, title, service, private, municipal, military, hadrian, augustus, period, rank, inscription, offices, reign, equestrian
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[17 words] anche, alla, nella, sono, questo, essere, questa, parte, nell, degli, secondo, quale, sulla, solo, dalla, quella, quanto, prima, stato, stesso, loro, piiu, fatto, infatti, dopo, quello, egli, cosi, aristotele, nota
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[16 words] livy, plin, quint, mart, neque, suet, cicero, verg, rell, plaut, neve, twice, ovid, latin, stat, prose, cato, caes, uses, epist, draeger, gell, lucr, usage, writers, cites, sall, prorsus, poetry, codd
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[15 words] tree, trees, plant, plants, garden, fruit, bees, flowers, pliny, wild, olive, laurel, gardens, flower, apple, wood, seeds, leaves, columella, species, pine, theophrastus, cultivated, root, vine, vines, cavities, seed, planted, planting
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[13 words] painting, collection, paintings, madonna, works, portrait, artist, church, master, italian, cathedral, attributed, burl, drawings, representing, frescoes, giovanni, fifteenth_century, florence, pictures, influence, early, virgin, painted, painter, christ, acquired, gallery, artists, francesco
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[12 words] road, river, along, route, miles, valley, plain, hill, town, distance, land, mountain, across, coast, village, city, mountains, hills, roads, pass, line, region, bridge, island, southern, water, lake, lies, ground, places
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[11 words] speech, words, himself, speaker, audience, lines, situation, scene, action, address, makes, line, speak, asks, addressed, response, begins, take, effect, immediately, reply, comes, your, speaking, speaks, moment, advice, beginning, passage, questions
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[11 words] inscription, tomb, tombs, fragments, bronze, objects, temple, stone, vases, marble, relief, inscribed, period, graves, statue, coins, early, grave, monument, representing, necropolis, fourth_century, terra-cotta, reliefs, containing, sixth, finds, pottery, insc, belonging
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[10 words] schol, plut, frag, paus, arist, diod, athen, soph, alex, aesch, dion, strabo, pind, suidas, aristoph, fgrhist, hesych, plat, suda, quoted, pollux, apollod, suid, aristot, lycophron, phot, rhod, bibl, fgrh, serv
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[10 words] dance, music, song, dancing, chorus, lyre, musical, performance, songs, singing, dances, choral, sing, dancers, dithyramb, aulos, sung, performed, instrument, flute, dancer, muses, solo, voice, lawler, opera, choruses, hymn, dithyrambic, lillian
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[9 words] context, simply, position, hypothesis, argued, text, makes, claim, explain, suggestion, correct, grounds, reasons, alternative, actually, argue, moreover, attempt, surely, obvious, accept, argues, unlikely, enough, issue, sense, passage, presumably, difficulties, plausible
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[8 words] augustus, temple, jupiter, cult, emperor, caesar, augustan, mars, triumph, gods, ludi, victory, venus, dedication, romulus, octavian, dedicated, juno, statue, divine, altar, fasti, games, augusti, title, livia, apollo, genius, imperial, divus
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[8 words] italy, latin, colonies, colony, italian, towns, town, livy, land, romans, capua, citizenship, latins, italians, pliny, colonia, civitas, campania, ager, roman_citizenship, communities, territory, municipium, colonists, founded, samnites, coloniae, municipia, cities, local
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[5 words] himself, true, truth, matter, criticism, merely, facts, really, real, passage, attempt, false, claim, accept, words, knowledge, belief, enough, regard, prove, makes, error, simply, wrong, statements, critics, surely, actually, serious, take
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[5 words] bronze, gold, objects, silver, iron, metal, ivory, ring, beads, rings, pieces, glass, tomb, stone, sword, object, handle, vessels, grave, wooden, weapons, blade, swords, jewelry, collection, shape, piece, bronzes, bowl, helmet
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