Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
Archaeological News and Discussions
Stephen B. Luce
American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1940) pp. 234-251
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[639 words] pottery, prehistoric, period, neolithic, region, cultures, finds, bronze_age, indians, hallstatt, stone, early, northern, palaeolithic, implements, hungary, objects, river, graves, valley, danube, central_europe, childe, vinca, excavated, bulgaria, mexico, amber, hungarian, county
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[312 words] inscription, tomb, tombs, fragments, bronze, objects, temple, stone, vases, marble, relief, inscribed, period, graves, statue, coins, early, grave, monument, representing, necropolis, fourth_century, terra-cotta, reliefs, containing, sixth, finds, pottery, insc, belonging
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[277 words] church, byzantine, basilica, christian, churches, christ, apse, early_christian, constantinople, nave, mediaeval, mosaic, mosaics, monastery, twelfth, inscription, cross, sophia, eleventh, chapel, narthex, saint, frescoes, chalice, byzantium, sixth, tenth, mosque, mango, dome
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[244 words] statue, statues, marble, athena, athens, relief, bronze, parthenon, reliefs, base, sculptures, frieze, archaic, olympia, richter, sculptor, pediment, statuette, sculptors, fifth_century, apollo, attic, works, aphrodite, hellenistic, fourth_century, nike, hermes, torso, ridgway
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[229 words] wall, walls, room, building, house, rooms, built, plan, houses, floor, entrance, door, court, stone, construction, buildings, central, palace, roof, structure, level, front, upper, chamber, wide, interior, space, rectangular, corner, open
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[220 words] period, early, development, influence, forms, developed, earliest, tradition, stage, beginning, became, become, changes, periods, characteristic, process, result, tendency, greater, true, sixth, introduced, throughout, marked, fourth, stages, longer, began, fifth_century, simple
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[200 words] pottery, level, period, levels, mound, phase, stone, early, trench, neolithic, ware, excavated, stratum, sherds, building, occupation, tell, phases, troy, houses, strata, walls, deposits, chalcolithic, clay, bronze, upper, burials, layer, finds
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[136 words] bronze, gold, objects, silver, iron, metal, ivory, ring, beads, rings, pieces, glass, tomb, stone, sword, object, handle, vessels, grave, wooden, weapons, blade, swords, jewelry, collection, shape, piece, bronzes, bowl, helmet
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[125 words] portrait, portraits, relief, reliefs, sarcophagus, statue, bust, imperial, statues, hellenistic, sarcophagi, aphrodisias, painting, scenes, marble, ara_pacis, frieze, iconography, images, panel, early, heads, monument, trajan, zanker, portraiture, period, busts, panels, villa
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[118 words] mass, conn, charles, new_haven, henry, baltimore, washington, mich, edward, yale_university, boston, columbia_university, new_york_city, university_of_california_berkeley, hall, frank, arthur, i900, high_school, st_louis, ann_arbor, mary, street, herbert, smith, cleveland, tenn, brooklyn, dean, providence
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[117 words] palestine, jerusalem, hebrew, phoenician, tell, semitic, israel, arabia, palmyra, nabataean, aramaic, inscription, dura, petra, yadin, arabic, desert, palmyrene, syrian, philistine, megiddo, negev, sinai, oriental, albright, gerasa, gezer, tyre, alphabet, canaanite
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[112 words] temple, columns, column, building, frieze, capital, parthenon, capitals, temples, doric, ionic, cella, architectural, dinsmoor, blocks, geison, sima, corner, fragments, height, architecture, flank, base, marble, buildings, stylobate, front, hephaisteion, design, block
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[89 words] wall, building, blocks, stoa, foundation, foundations, temple, corner, level, built, walls, agora, terrace, construction, poros, front, theater, marble, steps, line, plan, along, street, structure, altar, sanctuary, rock, face, block, early
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[84 words] road, river, along, route, miles, valley, plain, hill, town, distance, land, mountain, across, coast, village, city, mountains, hills, roads, pass, line, region, bridge, island, southern, water, lake, lies, ground, places
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[84 words] collection, information, athens, done, knowledge, received, collections, objects, carried, completed, valuable, investigation, progress, devoted, country, task, service, hope, greece, visit, sent, every, volume, gave, soon, museums, value, german, full, future
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[71 words] building, city, early, excavated, period, buildings, finds, walls, pottery, complex, town, hellenistic, revealed, structures, located, architectural, byzantine, periods, built, construction, occupation, sanctuary, structure, houses, plan, uncovered, around, tombs, along, wadi
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[69 words] true, passage, words, merely, matter, position, suppose, regard, name, enough, natural, mention, difficulty, period, prove, having, regarded, himself, except, facts, really, naturally, supposed, definite, makes, assumed, alone, correct, actually, referred
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[58 words] apollo, cult, zeus, temple, athena, pausanias, delphi, sanctuary, athens, oracle, artemis, shrine, sacred, altar, demeter, poseidon, goddess, festival, paus, name, dedicated, statue, athenian, hero, aphrodite, delos, cults, inscription, dedication, city
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[57 words] caesar, gaul, gallic, gauls, britain, romans, rhine, germans, holmes, ariovistus, celtic, camp, battle, hannibal, rhone, alps, helvetians, tribes, enipeus, keltic, german, stoffel, ferrero, pharsalus, helvetii, germany, orgetorix, dumnorix, pompey, gallia
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[49 words] greeks, greece, peoples, cities, early, land, strabo, egypt, asia_minor, name, island, city, eastern, region, italy, islands, country, native, inhabitants, geographical, western, tribes, coast, tradition, northern, mediterranean, asia, civilization, romans, population
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[47 words] line, hesperia, name, archon, lines, inscription, deme, athens, athenian, meritt, agora, decree, secretary, tribe, demotic, names, kirchner, archonship, prytany, archons, demes, phyle, text, tribal, pritchett, suppl, oliver, ferguson, dinsmoor, period
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[43 words] room, wall, floor, building, fill, level, trench, pottery, walls, fragments, debris, house, layer, corner, earth, deposit, construction, along, stones, destruction, rooms, built, bedrock, sherds, clay, early, excavated, phase, levels, upper
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[43 words] cult, goddess, dionysus, religion, religious, gods, worship, cults, deity, ritual, sacred, deities, isis, divine, demeter, pentheus, mysteries, rites, dionysiac, divinity, dionysos, cybele, attis, aphrodite, nilsson, artemis, divinities, worshipped, initiation, mother
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[41 words] painting, collection, paintings, madonna, works, portrait, artist, church, master, italian, cathedral, attributed, burl, drawings, representing, frescoes, giovanni, fifteenth_century, florence, pictures, influence, early, virgin, painted, painter, christ, acquired, gallery, artists, francesco
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[40 words] army, city, military, took, troops, himself, control, power, events, position, situation, policy, force, sent, return, revolt, attack, victory, peace, forces, defeat, action, soon, attempt, success, battle, enemy, became, command, remained
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[38 words] athens, acropolis, agora, wall, tower, city, gate, towers, attica, hesperia, pausanias, walls, plan, piraeus, hill, travlos, judeich, greece, built, eleusis, athenian, dorpfeld, akropolis, fortifications, circuit, pnyx, wycherley, athenian_agora, fortification, thompson
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[35 words] latin, proceedings, review, volume, boston, weekly, american_philological_association, frank, charles, title, classical_philology, henry, translation, books, oldfather, edition, english, publications, philological, moore, gildersleeve, horace, edward, cloth, smith, entitled, fowler, scott, session, cicero
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[32 words] pottery, grave, vases, ware, shape, vessels, graves, geometric, early, decoration, bowls, sherds, shapes, fragments, period, wares, tomb, burial, painted, cups, pots, burials, bowl, decorated, vessel, jars, pieces, vase, handles, protogeometric
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[31 words] egyptian, egypt, dynasty, tomb, alexandria, king, nile, temple, egyptians, cairo, petrie, tombs, scarabs, period, osiris, isis, reign, sarapis, pyramid, ptolemaic, naukratis, royal, thebes, memphis, scarab, alexandrian, amarna, sesostris, middle_kingdom, rowe
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[31 words] sigillata, stamp, stamps, arretine, ware, terra, pottery, mould, italian, potter, ovolo, bowl, potters, gaulish, haltern, bowls, stamped, salluienses, lezoux, wreath, arezzo, glass, pedis, presigillata, planta, dech, production, signatures, period, knorr
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[30 words] women, marriage, children, woman, wife, family, child, slave, mother, husband, slaves, daughter, married, father, male, female, her_husband, parents, his_wife, status, wives, household, young, girl, bride, marry, birth, sons, girls, sexual
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[30 words] painter, vases, vase, attic, beazley, amphora, athens, louvre, arv2, red-figured, krater, hydria, corinthian, boston, fragment, collection, painters, black-figured, lekythos, attributed, band, red-figure, early, painted, steiner, payne, black-figure, kylix, verlag, gmbh
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[30 words] glass, iron, copper, metal, lead, bronze, clay, silver, process, gold, mining, analysis, mines, samples, ingots, materials, casting, produced, sample, production, metals, chemical, analyses, furnace, oxide, firing, glaze, alloy, temperature, smelting
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[29 words] macedonia, macedonian, thracian, thrace, illyrian, epirus, olynthos, olynthus, apollonia, thessaly, beroea, hammond, pella, chalcidic, illyrians, thessalonica, towns, amphipolis, illyria, stobi, torone, chalcidians, archelaus, city, pydna, aegae, thracians, egnatia, perdiccas, town
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[28 words] crete, minoan, knossos, cretan, palace, mycenaean, evans, linear_b, pylos, tablets, thera, signs, aegean, phaistos, kommos, late_minoan, kavousi, period, marinatos, fresco, gournia, mallia, linear_a, palaces, bronze_age, sign, minos, script, pottery, palatial
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[26 words] pattern, decoration, design, lines, painted, white, decorated, leaves, border, band, panel, ornament, black, bands, motif, central, panels, dots, lower, upper, patterns, palmette, designs, incised, decorative, motifs, palmettes, double, frieze, center
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[26 words] block, blocks, upper, edge, bottom, face, holes, stone, length, lower, height, base, front, hole, wide, width, cutting, sides, diameter, feet, broken, vertical, corner, high, ends, edges, position, along, flat, slightly
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[25 words] himself, true, truth, matter, criticism, merely, facts, really, real, passage, attempt, false, claim, accept, words, knowledge, belief, enough, regard, prove, makes, error, simply, wrong, statements, critics, surely, actually, serious, take
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[25 words] scene, seated, relief, scenes, woman, holding, standing, shield, behind, holds, vase, stands, front, hands, female, representations, representation, spear, youth, wears, composition, male, painting, warrior, wearing, altar, reliefs, goddess, dionysos, frieze
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[24 words] wine, food, drinking, drink, banquet, meal, feast, meat, water, dinner, guests, bread, eating, milk, feasting, fish, dining, honey, athenaeus, feasts, cooking, served, consumption, symposium, foods, cook, host, choes, diet, couch
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[23 words] trade, economic, population, local, production, city, italy, empire, cities, urban, commercial, period, early, economy, market, rural, goods, towns, roman_empire, wealth, products, region, commerce, slaves, industry, grain, decline, italian, distribution, agricultural
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[23 words] army, cavalry, battle, soldiers, military, troops, enemy, infantry, legions, fighting, camp, force, soldier, hoplite, units, phalanx, legion, hoplites, forces, armies, service, warfare, weapons, officers, shields, formation, attack, shield, iuniores, archers
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[22 words] average, size, numbers, population, high, proportion, data, length, ratio, higher, units, frequency, rate, range, increase, groups, percentage, relative, estimate, amount, lower, statistics, value, significant, approximately, sample, distribution, mean, greater, unit
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[22 words] family, father, name, sons, his_father, consul, daughter, married, brother, families, younger, whom, wife, his_son, elder, mother, names, himself, brothers, cognomen, birth, murena, young, sister, early, marriage, grandson, grandfather, adoption, became
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[22 words] analysis, sources, understanding, individual, information, context, questions, literary, texts, development, role, provide, structure, aspects, early, basic, complex, traditional, range, provides, data, function, significant, patterns, process, useful, pattern, attempt, limited, techniques
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[21 words] inscription, legion, governor, trajan, legate, career, procurator, claudius, pir2, office, hadrian, reign, proconsul, attested, consular, legions, pflaum, dessau, name, africa, consul, julius, praefectus, vespasian, provinces, suff, equestrian, maximus, severus, praetorian
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[20 words] manuscript, manuscripts, petrarch, written, latin, poggio, mediaeval, works, codex, politian, books, boccaccio, letter, edition, printed, translation, italian, commentary, sabbadini, florence, text, alcuin, tours, bede, contains, erasmus, renaissance, twelfth, vincent, medieval
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[18 words] seals, seal, babylonian, assyrian, sumerian, iran, tell, mesopotamia, tablets, cylinder, period, king, babylonia, palace, impressions, mesopotamian, uruk, texts, sealings, iraq, leilan, frankfort, assyria, akkadian, clay, sealing, early, syrian, babylon, mari
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[16 words] context, simply, position, hypothesis, argued, text, makes, claim, explain, suggestion, correct, grounds, reasons, alternative, actually, argue, moreover, attempt, surely, obvious, accept, argues, unlikely, enough, issue, sense, passage, presumably, difficulties, plausible
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[16 words] ionic, inscription, attic, dialect, doric, aeolic, forms, dialects, rhodes, rhodian, arcadian, boeotian, cyprian, buck, thessalian, sgdi, syll, lesbian, dittenberger, arcado-cyprian, greek_dialects, schwyzer, cretan, alphabet, milet, rhodos, boeot, hiller, bechtel, elean
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