Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
Notes on the Natvrales Qvaestiones of Seneca [Notes on the Naturales Quaestiones of Seneca]
H. W. Garrod
Classical Quarterly. (Oct., 1914) pp. 272-281
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[452 words] esse, enim, autem, etiam, haec, tamen, quidem, atque, quia, vero, apud, modo, quibus, quid, quoque, dicitur, neque, nihil, eius, quasi, inter, videtur, igitur, omnia, potest, loco, ergo, nisi, unde, illud
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[192 words] text, reading, readings, manuscripts, manuscript, edition, error, errors, tradition, scribe, correct, editors, archetype, variants, omitted, emendation, corrected, correction, variant, passages, written, corrections, omission, source, apparatus, corruption, texts, editions, conjecture, copied
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[186 words] seneca, senecan, stoic, philosopher, dial, apocolocyntosis, gercke, lucilius, epistulae, prose, clementia, juvenal, senecas, praef, hense, vitae, letters, contr, claudius, letter, hine, dialogues, seneque, morales, beneficiis, epistle, axelson, exile, senecae, traveling
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[172 words] passage, atque, virgil, lines, nunc, ovid, ille, vergil, lucan, line, haec, caput, inter, hinc, ipse, terra, passages, silius, sanguine, quem, illa, ante, omnia, arma, mare, manus, tibi, super, caelum, sidera
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