army, city, military, took, troops, himself, control, power, events, position, situation, policy, force, sent, return, revolt, attack, victory, peace, forces, defeat, action, soon, attempt, success, battle, enemy, became, command, remained, themselves, result, take, finally, period, began, political, cause, forced, successful, followed, having, returned, help, romans, threat, enough, danger, failed, apparently
Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte (19.1%)
1880 2006
Classical Quarterly (10.8%)
1880 2006
Journal of Roman Studies (9.7%)
1880 2006
Classical Philology (8.2%)
1880 2006
American Journal of Philology (7.7%)
1880 2006
Classical Journal (7.3%)
1880 2006
The Phoenix (5.8%)
1880 2006
Greece & Rome (5.5%)
1880 2006
American Journal of Archaeology (5.1%)
1880 2006
Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association (3.8%)
1880 2006
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (3.3%)
1880 2006
Transactions of the American Philological Association (3.1%)
1880 2006
Hesperia (2.6%)
1880 2006
The Classical Weekly (2.5%)
1880 2006
The Classical World (2.2%)
1880 2006
Classical Review (2.0%)
1880 2006
Phronesis (0.5%)
1880 2006
Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870) (0.2%)
1880 2006
Britannia (0.1%)
1880 2006
Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974) (0.0%)
1880 2006