reading, sense, housman, text, line, word, editors, conjecture, emendation, bentley, corruption, passage, heinsius, correction, postgate, edition, baehrens, bailey, verse, manuscripts, shackleton, corrupt, palmer, wrote, meaning, conjectures, propertius, madvig, vollmer, latin, codd, context, lachmann, write, ellis, mean, manuscript, emendations, scaliger, written, words, apparatus, burman, hosius, goold, true, kenney, riese, manilius, phaedrus
Classical Review (32.4%)
1880 2006
Classical Quarterly (31.0%)
1880 2006
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (8.9%)
1880 2006
American Journal of Philology (8.5%)
1880 2006
Classical Philology (6.6%)
1880 2006
The Phoenix (3.1%)
1880 2006
Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association (1.9%)
1880 2006
Classical Journal (1.9%)
1880 2006
Journal of Roman Studies (1.1%)
1880 2006
The Classical World (1.1%)
1880 2006
Transactions of the American Philological Association (1.1%)
1880 2006
Greece & Rome (0.7%)
1880 2006
The Classical Weekly (0.3%)
1880 2006
Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte (0.3%)
1880 2006
American Journal of Archaeology (0.3%)
1880 2006
Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870) (0.2%)
1880 2006
Hesperia (0.1%)
1880 2006
Phronesis (0.1%)
1880 2006
Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974) (0.0%)
1880 2006