venetian, navarino, pass, village, villages, maryeli, morea, caspian, gates, skiagraphia, gell, ottoman, turkish, messenia, grimani, sphakia, peloponnese, venetians, derbend, villagers, currants, pouqueville, nani, dariel, para, territory, thermopylai, provveditore, venice, currant, caucasus, gastron, dhema, stremmata, alani, koroni, bitinna, burn, immigrants, bory, population, thermopylae, bequignon, cavallaria, tithe, kallidromos, comunita, papaflessas, dokos, greece
Hesperia (40.3%)
1880 2006
American Journal of Archaeology (17.2%)
1880 2006
Classical Review (9.3%)
1880 2006
Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association (6.9%)
1880 2006
American Journal of Philology (4.8%)
1880 2006
Classical Quarterly (4.4%)
1880 2006
Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte (4.1%)
1880 2006
Classical Philology (3.1%)
1880 2006
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (2.8%)
1880 2006
Greece & Rome (1.6%)
1880 2006
Journal of Roman Studies (1.4%)
1880 2006
Classical Journal (0.8%)
1880 2006
Transactions of the American Philological Association (0.8%)
1880 2006
The Phoenix (0.7%)
1880 2006
The Classical Weekly (0.6%)
1880 2006
The Classical World (0.5%)
1880 2006
Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870) (0.4%)
1880 2006
Phronesis (0.3%)
1880 2006
Transactions of the American Philological Association (1974) (0.0%)
1880 2006
Britannia (0.0%)
1880 2006