venetian, navarino, pass, village, villages, maryeli, morea, caspian, gates, skiagraphia, gell, ottoman, turkish, messenia, grimani, sphakia, peloponnese, venetians, derbend, villagers, currants, pouqueville, nani, dariel, para, territory, thermopylai, provveditore, venice, currant, caucasus, gastron, dhema, stremmata, alani, koroni, bitinna, burn, immigrants, bory, population, thermopylae, bequignon, cavallaria, tithe, kallidromos, comunita, papaflessas, dokos, greece
Languages of the Caucasus: Georgian Noun Formation and Declension. Herbert Pierrepont Houghton. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 29, 1943), pp. 219-223
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Parlascio-Perilasio. Leo Spitzer. American Journal of Philology. (1943), pp. 330-332
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The Golden Age and the ΚΥΚΛΟΣ ΓΕΝΕΣΕωΝ (Cyclical Theory) in Greek and Latin Literature. R. H. Martin. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1943), pp. 62-71
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