telemachos, chinese, american_journal_of_philology, tereus, china, elephants, japanese, procne, elephant, philomela, kabuki, japan, karlgren, nickel, robortello, nightingale, ninagawa, copyright, bactria, india, anyang, dynasty, bactrian, sophokles, turnebus, prokne, tatius, ky6gen, scur, hoopoe, itys, shang, anthus, cammann, indian, banner, ih-yu, african, chang, ihac, silk, heike, dobrov, scullard, guelf, schwitter, kyogen, thracian, bamboo, cupro-nickel
Attic Building Accounts I. The Parthenon. William B. Dinsmoor. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1913), pp. 53-80
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The Sacred Bond. Campbell Bonner. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1913), pp. 233-245
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Marones: Virgil as Priest of Apollo. R. W. Raper. Classical Review. (Feb., 1913), pp. 13-21
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Attic Building Accounts: III. The Propylaea. William B. Dinsmoor. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1913), pp. 371-398
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Derivatives of the Root Stha in Composition. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1913), pp. 15-42
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A New Inscription from the Acropolis at Athens. Allan C. Johnson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1913), pp. 506-519
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Virgil and Roman Studies. J. W. Mackail. Journal of Roman Studies. (1913), pp. 1-24
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Virgil, Priest of Apollo? Notes on Mr. Raper's Recent Paper. W. Warde Fowler. Classical Review. (May, 1913), pp. 85-87
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