Two Attalid Letters on the "Asylia" and "Ateleia" of Apollo Tarsenus. 185 B.C.. Francis Piejko. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1989), pp. 395-409
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If Looks Could Kill: παπταίνω and the Interpenetration of Imagery and Narrative in Homer. Steven H. Lonsdale. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1989), pp. 325-333
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Elements of Style in Pindaric Break-Offs. William H. Race. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1989), pp. 189-209
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Platonic Methodology in the Program of Aristotle's Political Philosophy: Politics IV. 1. Eckart Schütrumpf. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1989), pp. 209-218
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Sappho, fr. 16 L-P. and Alkaios, fr. 42 L-P.: Romantic and Classical Strains in Lesbian Lyric. William H. Race. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1989), pp. 16-33
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The Reunion Duo in Euripides' Helen. C. W. Willink. Classical Quarterly. (1989), pp. 45-69
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Thucydides and Stesimbrotus on the Exile of Themistocles. Edwin M. Carawan. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1989), pp. 144-161
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The Interpretation of Sophocles "Antigone" 926. Vincent J. Rosivach. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1989), pp. 116-119
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