cursus, clausulae, accentual, mixtus, metrical, forms, prose, rhythms, portique, edifice, elle, elisions, illyrien, unites, gallorum, planus, trispondaicus, illyriens, ouest, unite, clausula, forgerons, dacie, tardus, blocs, doero, elision, rhythm, bardylis, superieure, velox, poste, royaume, cohorte, siecle, authors, epouse, nonaccentual, auxiliaires, rhythmical, agron, amphores, esclaves, haut, hall, chapiteau, equitata, cohortes, cyprianus, diplome
D'Axoum à l'Assam, aux portes de la Chine: Le Voyage du "Scholasticus de Thèbes" (entre 360 et 500 après J.-C.). Jehan desanges. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Dec., 1969), pp. 627-639
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Some Governors of Dacia: A Rearrangement. Donald W. Wade. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1969), pp. 105-107
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Δ#0399Κ#0391Σ#03A4Α#0399 = Judices?. J. Touloumakos. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Aug., 1969), pp. 407-421
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Horace and Empedocles' Temperature: A Rejected Fragment of Empedocles. C. O. Brink. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1969), pp. 138-142
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The Roman Frontier in Germany: An Archaeological Survey. H. Schönberger. Journal of Roman Studies. (1969), pp. 144-197
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The Lily Voice of the Cicadas ("Iliad" 3.152). W. B. Stanford. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1969), pp. 3-8
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Die angebliche "Nobilitierung" des Klerus durch Kaiser Konstantin den Großen. Evangelos Chrysos. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jan., 1969), pp. 119-128
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Das Proömium des Parmenides und die "Katabasis" des Pythagoras. Phronesis. (1969), pp. 1-30
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