story, myth, ovid, apollo, stories, myths, version, tale, legend, metamorphoses, narrative, mythological, episode, tradition, phaethon, metamorphosis, versions, rape, daedalus, daughter, told, mythical, birth, theseus, aphrodite, pelops, hymn, zeus, tales, name, europa, daphne, motif, minos, thetis, mythology, goddess, ariadne, hermes, hyginus, callimachus, jupiter, meleager, cephalus, transformation, apollodorus, gods, nymphs, mother, narcissus
Multiple Change in the Metamorphoses. William S. Anderson. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 1-27
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Three Presocratic Cosmologies. M. L. West. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1963), pp. 154-176
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The Oxyrhynchus Musical Monody and Some Ancient Fertility Superstitions. E. K. Borthwick. American Journal of Philology. (Jul., 1963), pp. 225-243
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Abstracts of Papers to Be Read at APA Meeting, December, 1963. The Classical World. (Dec., 1963), pp. 92-104+121-132
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An Emendation in Nonnus. Giuseppe Giangrande. Classical Review. (Dec., 1963), pp. 253-256
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The Two Palinodes of Stesichorus. C. M. Bowra. Classical Review. (Dec., 1963), pp. 245-252
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Emendations and Interpretations in Nonnus' Dionysiaca. Giuseppe Giangrande. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1963), pp. 63-74
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Greek Bronzes: A Review Article. Mogens Gjo̵desen. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1963), pp. 333-351
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Athena and the Early Acropolis. R. J. Hopper. Greece & Rome. (1963), pp. 1-16
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Τω και εγω: The First Person in Pindar. Mary R. Lefkowitz. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1963), pp. 177-253
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A Peculiar Use of ἐκ?. A. O. Hulton. Classical Review. (Dec., 1963), pp. 252-253
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Initiatory Motifs in the Story of Telemachus. Charles W. Eckert. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1963), pp. 49-57
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Some Notes on the Lupercalia. E. Sachs. American Journal of Philology. (Jul., 1963), pp. 266-279
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The Date of the Lykourgan Reforms in Sparta. W. G. Forrest. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1963), pp. 157-179
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Creusa's Monody: Ion 859-922. Jene Larue. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 126-136
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The Prehistoric Roman Calendar. Van L. Johnson. American Journal of Philology. (Jan., 1963), pp. 28-35
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The Dance in Jest. Lillian B. Lawler. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1963), pp. 1-7
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The Sculptures of the Hephaisteion. Charles H. Morgan. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1963), pp. 91-108
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The Structure of Aristotle's Athenaion Politeia. John J. Keaney. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1963), pp. 115-146
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The Riddle of Ovid's "Relegatio". Frances Norwood. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1963), pp. 150-163
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The Spinning Aphrodite in the Minor Arts. Elmer G. Suhr. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1963), pp. 63-68
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News Letter from Rome. A. W. van Buren. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1963), pp. 397-409
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Richard Bentley: A Tercentenary Commemoration. G. P. Goold. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1963), pp. 285-302
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Virgil and the "Odyssey". R. D. Williams. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1963), pp. 266-274
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Cleopatra as Fatale Monstrum (Horace, Carm. 1. 37. 21). J. V. Luce. Classical Quarterly. (Nov., 1963), pp. 251-257
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Aristotle's Monograph on the Pythagoreans. J. A. Philip. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 185-198
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Plato, Gorgias 493 c 1-3. R. S. Bluck. Classical Review. (Dec., 1963), pp. 263-264
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Major Systems of Figurative Language in Senecan Melodrama. Norman T. Pratt. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 199-234
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Historical Fiction on Classical Themes: Revised List, 1963. Hazel S. Beall. The Classical World. (Nov., 1963), pp. 57-64
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Polygnotan Painting and the Niobid Painter. Erika Simon. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan., 1963), pp. 43-62
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Aristotle's Sources for Pythagorean Doctrine. J. A. Philip. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1963), pp. 251-265
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Lucretius' carmen dignum. Elizabeth M. McLeod. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1963), pp. 145-156
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A Review of the Throne Room at Cnossos. Clark Hopkins. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1963), pp. 416-419
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The Death of Philip II. E. Badian. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1963), pp. 244-250
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The Odyssean Suitors and the Host-Guest Relationship. Harry L. Levy. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 145-153
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On Nicander, Oppian, and Quintus of Smyrna. M. L. West. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1963), pp. 57-62
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Scipio and the Ghost of Appius. Edward L. Bassett. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1963), pp. 73-92
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Herodotus' Use of Variant Versions. F. J. Groten, Jr.. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1963), pp. 79-87
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In the Entertainment World: Ariadne Auf Naxos. Bernard F. Dick. The Classical World. (Feb., 1963), pp. 151-152
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Later Aegean Bronze Swords. N. K. Sandars. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1963), pp. 117-153
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Some Subtleties in Menander's Dyscolus. L. A. Post. American Journal of Philology. (Jan., 1963), pp. 36-51
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Urbanitas: Cicero and Quintilian, a Contrast in Attitudes. Edwin S. Ramage. American Journal of Philology. (Oct., 1963), pp. 390-414
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Two Passages in Lucretius. F. H. Sandbach. Classical Review. (Mar., 1963), pp. 13-14
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The Technique of Prophecy in Lucan. Bernard F. Dick. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1963), pp. 37-49
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The Goddess of the Golden Image. Edna M. Hooker. Greece & Rome. (1963), pp. 17-22
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The Craft of Catullus (Carm. 4). Roger A. Hornsby. American Journal of Philology. (Jul., 1963), pp. 256-265
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In the Schools. Ignatius L. Stojowski. The Classical World. (Jun., 1963), pp. 295-296
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Roman Fishermen. Thomas H. Corcoran. The Classical World. (Jan., 1963), pp. 97-100+102
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