pattern, decoration, design, lines, painted, white, decorated, leaves, border, band, panel, ornament, black, bands, motif, central, panels, dots, lower, upper, patterns, palmette, designs, incised, decorative, motifs, palmettes, double, frieze, center, vertical, rosettes, fragment, horizontal, around, geometric, line, fragments, spirals, petals, shape, lotus, rosette, vase, birds, spiral, bird, circles, rows, circle
The Trier Ceiling: Power and Status on Display in Late Antiquity. Marice E. Rose. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 2006), pp. 92-109
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Dancing with the Gods: The Myth of the Chariot in Plato's "Phaedrus". Elizabeth Belfiore. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 2006), pp. 185-217
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Ancient Illustrations of the "Aeneid": The Hunts of Books 4 and 7. William S. Anderson. The Classical World. (Winter, 2006), pp. 157-165
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Cave Navem. Jonathan R. W. Prag. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 2006), pp. 538-547
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Eteocles, Polynices, and the Economics of Violence in Statius' "Thebaid". Neil Coffee. American Journal of Philology. (Oct. 1, 2006), pp. 415-452
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Horsepower and Donkeywork: Equids and the Ancient Greek Imagination. Mark Griffith. Classical Philology. (Jul., 2006), pp. 185-246
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Should the Aspiring Wise Man Travel? A Conflict in Seneca's Thought. Silvia Montiglio. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 2006), pp. 553-586
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Aristophanes and "Alazoneia": Laughing at the Parabasis of the "Clouds". Wilfred E. Major. The Classical World. (Winter, 2006), pp. 131-144
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Cicero and Dionysios the Elder, or the End of Liberty. Wim Verbaal. The Classical World. (Winter, 2006), pp. 145-156
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The Mind in Motion: Walking and Metaphorical Travel in the Roman Villa. Timothy M. O'Sullivan. Classical Philology. (Apr., 2006), pp. 133-152
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