goethe, pylos, german, eteokles, ennodius, mich, ilias, walther, nacht, kalasirier, dort, tradition, heine, skylax, elpenor, dorieus, frau, bruder, stein, syrte, tilemann, triphylien, wilhelm, ganges, kosmas, kyrene, sieben, unde, insel, lykus, meer, pylische, kaukonen, kolonisation, merck, messenien, sage, alpheios, ionische, wilmanns, licht, peloponnes, polyneikes, alexanders, fiber, mutter, pfister, raum, theoderich, herder
Götterdarstellung durch Menschen in den altmediterranen Religionen. Franz K. Kiechle. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Jul., 1970), pp. 259-271
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Lucretius iii. 658. W. S. M. Nicoll. Classical Review. (Jun., 1970), pp. 140-141
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Two Emendations in Harpocration. John J. Keaney. Classical Review. (Jun., 1970), pp. 139-140
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An Interpretation of Horace, Epodes 13. Ross S. Kilpatrick. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1970), pp. 135-141
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Talthybius in the Trojan Women. Kristine Gilmartin. American Journal of Philology. (Apr., 1970), pp. 213-222
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Dion und Herakleides. G. A. Lehmann. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (Nov., 1970), pp. 401-406
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Fragmentum Adespotum 976. Diskin Clay. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1970), pp. 119-129
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Erfahrung und Intuition bei Aristoteles. Walter Heß. Phronesis. (1970), pp. 48-82
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