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On 'Os Colvmnatvm' (Plaut. M. G. 211) and Ancient Instruments of Confinement. Frederic D. Allen. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1896), pp. 37-64
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What Led Pythagoras to the Doctrine That the World Was Built of Numbers?. William Ridgeway. Classical Review. (Mar., 1896), pp. 92-95
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The Battle of Marathon. J. B. Bury. Classical Review. (Mar., 1896), pp. 95-98
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The Throne of Apollo at Amyklae. J. Grafton Milne. Classical Review. (May, 1896), pp. 215-220
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Discoveries of Roman Remains in Britain. III. F. Haverfield. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 73-74
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Some Forms of the Homeric Subjunctive. C. M. Mulvany. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 24-27
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Notes on Reichel's 'Homerische Waffen'. Arthur Platt. Classical Review. (Nov., 1896), pp. 376-378
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Note on the Use of οὐχ ὅτι in Plato. E. H. Donkin. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 28-29
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Pliny and Magic. Ernst Riess. American Journal of Philology. (1896), pp. 77-83
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Attic Judicature. E. Poste. Classical Review. (Apr., 1896), pp. 147-150
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