livy, cato, scipio, romulus, fabius, consul, tradition, romans, dionysius, appius, fasti, plutarch, valerius, story, claudius, plebeian, varro, cicero, cornelius, plut, camillus, numa, manlius, aemilius, early, gracchus, consuls, patrician, fulvius, dictator, horatius, censor, sources, marcellus, ogilvie, triumph, brutus, paullus, dion, astin, republic, version, appius_claudius, plebeians, mommsen, marcius, annales, consulship, polybius, gauls
Sallust's "Catiline" and Cato the Censor. D. S. Levene. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 170-191
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Cato Orationes 66 and the Case against M.' Acilius Glabrio in 189 B.C.E.. J. Bradford Churchill. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 2000), pp. 549-557
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The Inauguration of Lentulus Niger. Patrick Tansey. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 2000), pp. 237-258
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"Sponsio Quae in Verba Facta Est?" Two Lost Speeches and the Formula of the Roman Legal Wager. J. Bradford Churchill. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 159-169
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Pompey's "Supplicatio Duplicata": A Novel Form of Thanksgiving. Frances Hickson-Hahn. The Phoenix. (Autumn - Winter, 2000), pp. 244-254
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The Last Republican Historian: A New Date for the Composition of Livy's First Pentad. Paul J. Burton. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 2000), pp. 429-446
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"Celabitur Auctor": The Crisis of Authority and Narrative Patterning in Ovid "Fasti" 5. Barbara Weiden Boyd. The Phoenix. (Spring - Summer, 2000), pp. 64-98
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Portraits, Power, and Patronage in the Late Roman Republic. Jeremy Tanner. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 18-50
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The Aeneid Revisited: The Journey of Pompey in Lucan's "Pharsalia". Andreola Rossi. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 2000), pp. 571-591
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Politics and Religion in the Bacchanalian Affair of 186 B.C.E.. Sarolta A. Takács. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (2000), pp. 301-310
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Plautus' "Stichus" and the Political Crisis of 200 B.C.. William M. Owens. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 2000), pp. 385-407
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Maharbal's Bon Mot: Authenticity and Survival. Dexter Hoyos. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 610-614
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Leges Agrariae: Myths Ancient and Modern. Ronald T. Ridley. Classical Philology. (Oct., 2000), pp. 459-467
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The Tears of Marcellus: History of a Literary Motif in Livy. Andreola Rossi. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 2000), pp. 56-66
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Livy and the Chronology of the Years 168-167. O. P. Dany. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 432-439
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Roman Republican Heavy Infantrymen in Battle (IV-II Centuries B.C.). Alexander Zhmodikov. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 2000), pp. 67-78
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The Dictator's Mistake: Caesar's Escape from Sulla. Ronald T. Ridley. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 2000), pp. 211-229
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At Home with Cicero. Shelley Hales. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 2000), pp. 44-55
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Beyond (Dis)belief: Rhetorical Form and Religious Symbol in Cicero's de Divinatione. Brian A. Krostenko. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (2000), pp. 353-391
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Polybius 10.10.12 and the Existence of Salt-Flats at Carthago Nova. Benedict J. Lowe. The Phoenix. (Spring - Summer, 2000), pp. 39-52
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The Clemency of Sulla. Melissa Barden Dowling. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 2000), pp. 303-340
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Sulla and the Monuments: Studies in His Public Persona. Christopher S. Mackay. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 2000), pp. 161-210
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What Was "Ulpicum?". Margaret R. Mezzabotta. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 230-237
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The Camp of Pompey: Strategy of Representation in Caesar's Bellum Ciuile. Andreola Rossi. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 2000), pp. 239-256
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"Dice" and "Facie:" Quintilian, "Institutio Oratoria" 1.7.23 and 9.4.39. J. Bradford Churchill. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 2000), pp. 279-289
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Valerius Maximus on the Domus Augusta, Augustus, and Tiberius. D. Wardle. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 479-493
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Nero's Luxuria, in Tacitus and in the Octavia. Patrick Kragelund. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 494-515
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"Vates operosus": Vatic Poetics and Antiquarianism in Ovid's "Fasti". Molly Pasco-Pranger. The Classical World. (Jan. - Feb., 2000), pp. 275-291
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Manlius' Mandata: Sallust Bellum Catilinae 33. Kathryn F. Williams. Classical Philology. (Apr., 2000), pp. 160-171
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The Autopsy of C. Asinius Pollio. Llewelyn Morgan. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 51-69
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Subject Reviews. Stephen Halliwell, Monica R. Gale, Hans Van Wees, Barbara Levick, Nigel Spivey, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 2000), pp. 102-132
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Mela's Phoenician Geography. Roger Batty. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 70-94
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Two Unidentified Senators in Josephus, A.J. 19. A. R. Birley. Classical Quarterly. (2000), pp. 620-623
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Lucan and the Libyan Tale. Matthew Leigh. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 95-109
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Cuius in Usum? Recent and Future Editing. Michael Reeve. Journal of Roman Studies. (2000), pp. 196-206
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The Memory of Philippi in Horace and the Interpretation of Epistle 1.20.23. Mario Citroni. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 2000), pp. 27-56
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Clodia Oppugnatrix: The Domus Motif in Cicero's "Pro Caelio". Anne Leen. Classical Journal. (Dec., 2000 - Jan., 2001), pp. 141-162
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The 101st Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 2000), pp. 311-317+319-371
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"Satis/Satura": Reconsidering the "Programmatic Intent" of Horace's "Satires 1.1". Basil Dufallo. The Classical World. (Jul. - Aug., 2000), pp. 579-590
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Romans as Bapbapoi: Three Polybian Speeches and the Politics of Cultural Indeterminacy. Craige Champion. Classical Philology. (Oct., 2000), pp. 425-444
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Ausonia: The Context of Cassius Dio "fr. 2.1". M. James Moscovich. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 2000), pp. 378-381
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The Bimillennium. Michael Grant. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 2000), pp. 1-2
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"The Most Desperate Textual Crux" in Lucretius-5.1442. Charles E. Murgia. Classical Philology. (Jul., 2000), pp. 304-317
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Celeus Rusticus: A Note on Ovidian Wordplay in Fasti 4. Barbara Weiden Boyd. Classical Philology. (Apr., 2000), pp. 190-193
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