augustus, temple, jupiter, cult, emperor, caesar, augustan, mars, triumph, gods, ludi, victory, venus, dedication, romulus, octavian, dedicated, juno, statue, divine, altar, fasti, games, augusti, title, livia, apollo, genius, imperial, divus, statues, temples, worship, religious, ovid, himself, vesta, honor, hercules, divi, inscription, celebrated, romans, flamen, triumphal, augusta, janus, res_gestae, public, pietas
The Strange History of a Flamen Dialis. (Note on Livy XXVII. 8.). W. W. Fowler. Classical Review. (May, 1893), pp. 193-195
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Notes on Juvenal. S. G. Owen. Classical Review. (Nov., 1893), pp. 400-403
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Horace, A. P. 63-6. A. O. Prickard. Classical Review. (Nov., 1893), pp. 403-404
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The Illustrations to the Student's Roman Empire. Arthur Tilley. Classical Review. (Nov., 1893), pp. 404-405
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Justin Martyr and the 'Gospel of Peter.'. C. Taylor. Classical Review. (Jun., 1893), pp. 246-248
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The Burial-Place of Alexander the Great. E. J. Chinnock. Classical Review. (Jun., 1893), pp. 245-246
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Notes. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1893), pp. 201-209
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The Saturnian Metre. Second Paper. W. M. Lindsay. American Journal of Philology. (1893), pp. 305-334
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