livy, plin, quint, mart, neque, suet, cicero, verg, rell, plaut, neve, twice, ovid, latin, stat, prose, cato, caes, uses, epist, draeger, gell, lucr, usage, writers, cites, sall, prorsus, poetry, codd, pliny, apul, praeter, plautus, curt, prop, diom, quintilian, schmalz, decl, lease, serv, dial, charis, claud, archiv, pono, silv, verr, mitto
The Vatican Codex of Cicero's Verrines. W. Peterson. American Journal of Philology. (1905), pp. 409-436
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The Ablative of Association. Charles E. Bennett. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1905), pp. 64-81
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Plautine Synizesis. A Study of the Phenomena of Brevis Coalescens. Robert S. Radford. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1905), pp. 158-210
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On Two Passages of the Apocolocyntosis. J. P. Postgate. Classical Review. (Jul., 1905), pp. 303-304
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Two Notes on The Verrines. W. Peterson. Classical Review. (Apr., 1905), pp. 160
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Herodotus VI. 129 and a Buddhist Birth Story. C. M. Mulvany. Classical Review. (Jul., 1905), pp. 304-305
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On the Tunica Retiarii. (Juvenal II. 143 ff.; VIII. 199 ff.; VI. Bodleian Fragment 9 ff.). S. G. Owen. Classical Review. (Oct., 1905), pp. 354-357
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A New Head of the So-Called Scipio Type: An Attempt at Its Identification. Walter Dennison. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1905), pp. 11-43
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A Preliminary Study of Certain Manuscripts of Suetonius' Lives of the Caesars: Second Paper. Clement Lawrence Smith. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1905), pp. 1-14
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The Use of the High-Soled Shoe or Buskin in Greek Tragedy of the Fifth and Fourth Centuries B. C.. Kendall K. Smith. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1905), pp. 123-164
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Ad Marcum Antoninum. A. J. Kronenberg. Classical Review. (Jul., 1905), pp. 301-303
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On Juvenal, Sat. i. 144. E. C. Corelli. Classical Review. (Jul., 1905), pp. 305
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On the Apocolocyntosis of Seneca. Mortimer Lamson Earle. Classical Review. (Jul., 1905), pp. 303
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The Ides of March. C. M. Mulvany. Classical Review. (Jul., 1905), pp. 305
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The Collegium Poetarum at Rome. E. G. Sihler. American Journal of Philology. (1905), pp. 1-21
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Note on Tacitus, Agricola, 46. W. C. F. Walters. Classical Review. (Jun., 1905), pp. 267
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A Bâle MS of Consentius. E. O. Winstedt. American Journal of Philology. (1905), pp. 22-31
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Cicero, In Verr. II. i. § 149. H. Rackham. Classical Review. (Jul., 1905), pp. 305
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A Semantic Study of the Indo-Iranian Nasal Verbs. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1905), pp. 172-203
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The Moods of Indirect Quotation. John J. Schlicher. American Journal of Philology. (1905), pp. 60-88
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Types of Sentence Structure in Latin Prose Writers. Clarence Linton Meader. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1905), pp. 32-51
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Notes on Herodotus, Books IV-IX. Herbert Richards. Classical Review. (Oct., 1905), pp. 340-346
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The Perfect Subjunctive, Optative, and Imperative in Greek. J. E. Harry. Classical Review. (Oct., 1905), pp. 347-354
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Greek Prohibitions. W. Headlam. Classical Review. (Feb., 1905), pp. 30-36
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On the Pervigilium Veneris. J. B. Bury. Classical Review. (Jul., 1905), pp. 304
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The Relation of Accent to Elision in Latin Verse, Not Including the Drama. Albert Granger Harkness. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1905), pp. 82-110
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Additional Notes on the Vocative. John Adams Scott. American Journal of Philology. (1905), pp. 32-43
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