dionysius, plato, longinus, thucydides, thuc, xenophon, demosthenes, prose, lysias, attic, herodotus, demetrius, caecilius, roberts, sublime, orators, antiphon, isocrates, isaeus, metathesis, treatise, soph, plat, comp, aristotle, hermogenes, polybius, hypsos, hell, dionysius_of_halicarnassus, init, homer, poetical, krebs, sublimity, isocr, writers, photius, essay, isoc, grube, dinarchus, aesch, compositione, legg, pompeium, imit, hasse, epitomator, theophrastus
Encroachments of μή on οὐ in Later Greek. B. L. Gildersleeve. American Journal of Philology. (1880), pp. 45-57
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The Beginning of a Written Literature in Greece. Lewis R. Packard. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1880), pp. 34-51
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Xenophon's Oeconomicus. C. D. Morris. American Journal of Philology. (1880), pp. 169-186
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ΔΙΚΑΙ ΑΠΟ ΣϒΜΒΟΛΩΝ and ΔΙΚΑΙ ΣϒΜΒΟΛΑΙΑΙ. W. W. Goodwin. American Journal of Philology. (1880), pp. 4-16
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American Philological Association. 1879-80. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1880), pp. 1-40
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