speech, words, himself, speaker, audience, lines, situation, scene, action, address, makes, line, speak, asks, addressed, response, begins, take, effect, immediately, reply, comes, your, speaking, speaks, moment, advice, beginning, passage, questions, request, opening, addresses, silence, return, person, hear, something, mind, follows, dialogue, future, speeches, away, reader, takes, having, voice, conversation, word
Speakers and Scepters in Homer. Frederick M. Combellack. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1948), pp. 209-217
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Ilicet, Scilicet, Videlicet. E. Adelaide Hahn. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 308-337
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Euripides' Telephus and the Thesmophoriazusae of Aristophanes. Harold W. Miller. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1948), pp. 174-183
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Literary Portraiture in Ancient Epic: A Study of the Descriptions of Physical Appearance in Classical Epic. Elizabeth C. Evans. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1948), pp. 189-217
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Euripides' Alcestis. D. M. Jones. Classical Review. (Sep., 1948), pp. 50-55
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Aeschylea. H. D. Broadhead. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1948), pp. 1-6
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Notes on Reading and Praying Audibly. Eugene S. McCartney. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1948), pp. 184-187
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The Radio Returns to Dionysus. D. Herbert Abel. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1948), pp. 168-171
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Diaktoros Argeiphontes. Jacqueline Chittenden. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1948), pp. 24-33
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The Case against Alcibiades (Andocides IV). A. E. Raubitschek. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 191-210
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Marginalia by Seneca on the Vita Philosophica. William Hardy Alexander. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 290-298
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Toward Improvement of the High-School Latin Curriculum II: Report of a Symposium Held at Milwaukee, April 2, 1948. B. L. Ullman, Warren C. Seyfert, Stephen M. Corey, Gerald F. Else, George H. Lucas, Ethel L. Chubb, Donald G. Baker, Robert C. Stone, Clyde Murley, Carolyn Bock, Graydon W. Regenos, Lenore Geweke, Harold B. Dunkel, Lenore Geweke. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1948), pp. 97-143
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Dante's Strange Treatment of Vergil. Anna P. MacVay. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1948), pp. 233-235
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Was the Neronia a Freak Festival?. J. D. P. Bolton. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1948), pp. 82-90
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Boccaccio and the Cassinese Manuscripts of the Laurentian Library. Cornelia C. Coulter. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1948), pp. 217-230
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Notes on the Homeric Epigram to the Potters. R. M. Cook. Classical Review. (Sep., 1948), pp. 55-57
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"Hamlet" and Suetonius. E. G. Berry. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1948), pp. 73-81
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The Revolution of the 400. Mabel Lang. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 272-289
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Orchêsis Kallinikos. Lillian B. Lawler. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 254-267
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A Note on Sophocles' 'Antigone', Lines 531-81. A. W. Simpson, C. M. H. Millar. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1948), pp. 78-81
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The Personal Pronoun of the Second Person in Latin Teaching. Ellis A. Schnabel. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 1, 1948), pp. 40-45
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Sails and Oars in the Aeneid. S. L. Mohler. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 46-62
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Lucretius, the Poet of Our Time. H. St. H. Vertue. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1948), pp. 49-64
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A Bacchic Graffito from the Dolicheneum at Dura. Howard N. Porter. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 27-41
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The Ethics of the Roman Bar. Charles S. Rayment. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1948), pp. 207-209
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The Birds of Aristophanes - A Source Book for Old Beliefs. J. R. T. Pollard. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 353-376
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Ancient Imperialism: Contemporary Justifications. Mason Hammond. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1948), pp. 105-161
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On the Flavian Reliefs from the Palazzo della Cancelleria. Hugh Last. Journal of Roman Studies. (1948), pp. 9-14
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Linking the Old and the New in Italy (Continued). Walton Brooks McDaniel. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 1, 1948), pp. 162-167
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Pindar's Fourth Pythian Ode. Richmond Lattimore. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 18, 1948), pp. 19-25
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Stoic Views of Poetry. Phillip DeLacy. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 241-271
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The Hittite Version of the Hurrian Kumarbi Myths: Oriental Forerunners of Hesiod. Hans Gustav Güterbock. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1948), pp. 123-134
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The Concept of Sophrosyne in Greek Literary Criticism. Helen F. North. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1948), pp. 1-17
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Demetrius Poliorcetes and the Hellenic League. W. S. Ferguson. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1948), pp. 112-136
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Audio-Visual Aids and the Classics. Helen Clifford Gunter. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1948), pp. 145-156
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Style and Thought in Plato's Dialogues. Dorothy Tarrant. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1948), pp. 28-34
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How the French Teach Latin. William M. Green. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1948), pp. 269-273
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The "Moral Sense" Aspect of Aristotle's Ethical Theory. E. Harris Olmsted. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 42-61
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The Theban Eagle in English Plumage. Reuben A. Brower. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1948), pp. 25-30
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Some Astronomical Cruces in the Georgics. Robert J. Getty. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 24-45
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Tragic Irony in "Oedipus Rex". Francis P. Donnelly. The Classical Weekly. (May 3, 1948), pp. 229-230
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Vergil's Gods. W. P. Clark. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 15, 1948), pp. 50-55
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The Geographical Catalogue in Acts II, 9-11. Stefan Weinstock. Journal of Roman Studies. (1948), pp. 43-46
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Electioneering. Then and Now. Mary A. Sollmann. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1948), pp. 189-194
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Homer and Huso III: Enjambement in Greek and Southslavic Heroic Song. Albert B. Lord. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 113-124
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Sophoclea. A. Y. Campbell. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1948), pp. 102-104
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Plato's Doctrine of Metempsychosis and Its Source. Herbert S. Long. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 16, 1948), pp. 149-155
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A Kalyx-Krater at McMaster University. C. H. Stearn. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1948), pp. 37-44
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The Marines of Athens. John F. Charles. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1948), pp. 181-188
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Homeric and Mycenaean Burial Customs. George E. Mylonas. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1948), pp. 56-81
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Vergil in Grade X. Can It Be Done?. Hazel L. Tompkins, Frederick W. Horner. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1948), pp. 216-220
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A Medical Theory of Cognition. Harold W. Miller. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 168-183
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A Labor Contract of A.D. 164: CIL, III, P. 948, No. X. Adolf Berger. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1948), pp. 231-242
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Linguam Coquinariam. Joseph D. Vehling. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1948), pp. 195-200
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The Latin Studies of Hermann and Wilamowitz. Eduard Fraenkel. Journal of Roman Studies. (1948), pp. 28-34
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Functional Latin: If at All. Helen G. Kershaw. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 18, 1948), pp. 25-29
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Archaeological News. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1948), pp. 497-533
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Resemblances between Cicero's "Cato Maior and Laelius". P. R. Coleman-Norton. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 19, 1948), pp. 210-216
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Two Notes on Euripides. D. S. Colman. Classical Review. (Dec., 1948), pp. 107-108
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The Dawn of Humor. Albert Rapp. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1948), pp. 275-280
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The Tragedy of Turnus: A Study of Vergil, Aeneid XII. E. L. Highbarger. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 19, 1948), pp. 114-124
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Latin and the Less Accelerated Student. Mrs. Harold W. Murray. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 1, 1948), pp. 167-172
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The Axes Again. H. W. Stubbs. Classical Review. (May, 1948), pp. 12-13
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Pagan Examples of Fortitude in the Latin Christian Apologists. Mary Louise Carlson. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1948), pp. 93-104
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Some Aspects of Isocrates' Writings. La Rue Van Hook. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 5, 1948), pp. 98-103
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"A Joy to Remember". Harriet W. Marr. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1948), pp. 195-201
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Aristotle's Teleology and Uexküll's Theory of Living Nature. Helene Weiss. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1948), pp. 44-58
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Note on a Progymnasma of Libanius. Roger Pack. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 299-304
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The Temple Estates of Delos, Rheneia, and Mykonos. John Harvey Kent. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1948), pp. 243-338
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The Joint Language Front in New Jersey. W. H. Freeman. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 15, 1948), pp. 55-57
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The Manuscript Tradition of Troades and Bacchae. P. G. Mason. Classical Review. (Dec., 1948), pp. 105-107
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Hymn to Hermes. J. D. Beazley. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1948), pp. 336-340
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Greek and Latin Mouse-Fishes and Pig-Fishes. Alfred C. Andrews. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 232-253
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Propertius and Horace. Friedrich Solmsen. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1948), pp. 105-109
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Archaeological Digest. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1948), pp. 382-406
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The Foundation of Thurii. Victor Ehrenberg. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 149-170
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A New Greek Calendar and Festivals of the Sun. Stefan Weinstock. Journal of Roman Studies. (1948), pp. 37-42
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Massilian Diplomacy before the Second Punic War. Frank R. Kramer. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 1-26
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On the Nominal Endings -ις, -ιν, in Later Greek. Demetrius John Georgacas. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1948), pp. 243-260
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Homer and the Art of Writing: A Sketch of Opinion between 1713 and 1939. H. L. Lorimer. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1948), pp. 11-23
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Vacation Suggestions. Samuel L. Mohler. The Classical Weekly. (May 17, 1948), pp. 242-247
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The Fifth Campaign of Agricola. S. N. Miller. Journal of Roman Studies. (1948), pp. 15-19
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The Trisyllabic Ending of the Pentameter: Its Treatment by Tibullus, Propertius, and Martial. G. A. Wilkinson. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1948), pp. 68-75
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Archaeology in Homeric Asia Minor. George M. A. Hanfmann. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1948), pp. 135-155
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Lucretius and the History of Epicureanism. P. H. de Lacy. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 12-23
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Latin and the Modern Languages: 1948. Emilie Margaret White. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 4, 1948), pp. 6-10
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Cicero and Saint Ambrose on Friendship. Mary Dorothea. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1948), pp. 219-222
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Lysander and the Spartan Empire. R. E. Smith. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1948), pp. 145-156
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The Significance of Meno's Paradox. Bernard Phillips. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 20, 1948), pp. 87-91
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The Excavation of the Athenian Agora Twelfth Season: 1947. Homer A. Thompson. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1948), pp. 149-196
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The Settlements of Philip II with the Greek States in 338 B.C.. Carl Roebuck. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1948), pp. 73-92
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The Ephebate and Citizenship in Attica. O. W. Reinmuth. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 211-231
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Archaeological News. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1948), pp. 199-270
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Some Negative Prefixes in English. Lester M. Prindle. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 2, 1948), pp. 130-133
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The Revolt of the Civilians A. D. 237-8. H. G. Mullens. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1948), pp. 65-77
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Philip V and Alcaeus of Messene. Charles Edson. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1948), pp. 116-121
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Renaissance Commentaries on Juvenal. Eva Matthews Sanford. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 92-112
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The Sorrows of Ino and of Procne. Joseph Fontenrose. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 125-167
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The Code of Lipit-Ishtar. Francis Rue Steele. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1948), pp. 425-450
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More Notes on Roman Magistrates. T. Robert S. Broughton. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 63-78
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Tacitus and Agricola. A. G. Woodhead. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1948), pp. 45-55
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On the Style of Tacitus. Einar Löfstedt. Journal of Roman Studies. (1948), pp. 1-8
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Envy and Pity in Greek Philosophy. Edward B. Stevens. American Journal of Philology. (1948), pp. 171-189
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Archaeological News. Frederick Johnson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1948), pp. 344-372
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An Early Christian Monument from Tanagra. W. M. Calder. Classical Review. (May, 1948), pp. 8-11
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Law and Politics in the Oresteia. P. B. R. Forbes. Classical Review. (Dec., 1948), pp. 99-104
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Claudian's Neglect of Magic as a Motif. Harry L. Levy. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 87-91
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The Imbecillitas of the Emperor Claudius. Ernestine F. Leon. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1948), pp. 79-86
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Intuition in Statesmanship. H. N. Couch. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 5, 1948), pp. 107-108
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The Origin of the Latin Nomen Gentilicivm. Ernst Pulgram. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1948), pp. 163-187
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Humanistic Culture in Early Virginia. Herbert C. Lipscomb. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1948), pp. 203-208
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The Eion Epigram. A. W. Gomme. Classical Review. (May, 1948), pp. 5-7
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The Name of the Euxine Pontus Again. A. C. Moorhouse. Classical Quarterly. (Jan. - Apr., 1948), pp. 59-60
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Greek Inscriptions. Benjamin D. Meritt. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1948), pp. 1-53
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