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Proceedings: American Philological Association Seventy-Fourth Annual Meeting and Philological Association of the Pacific Coast Forty-Fourth Annual Meeting. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1942), pp. i-xci
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Town Meeting Discusses Wartime Need of Classics. Emanuel Levine. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 14, 1942), pp. 98-99
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Some Medical Terms in Aeschylus. Harold W. Miller. The Classical Weekly. (May 18, 1942), pp. 278-279
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Trees and Plants in Herodotus. Edward S. Forster. Classical Review. (Jun., 1942), pp. 57-63
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Correspondence. John L. Myres, W. W. Tarn. Classical Review. (Mar., 1942), pp. 55
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Archaeological News and Discussions. Stephen B. Luce, James A. Montgomery, George Grant MacCurdy. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1942), pp. 546-569
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Miles Gloriosus 13. Frank H. Cowles. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 16, 1942), pp. 195-196
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Caesar's Colleagues in the Pontifical College. Lily Ross Taylor. American Journal of Philology. (1942), pp. 385-412
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Dating Metamorphoses 2.1-346. Henry V. Gummere, John F. Gummere. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 20, 1942), pp. 233
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Caesar and the Roman Nobility. Lily Ross Taylor. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1942), pp. 1-24
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