sign, sumerian, proteron, hysteron, glossed, lugalbanda, deimel, agga, tammuz, hecatomnids, budge, hecatomnid, ruzicka, pictogram, mausolus, artemisia, jacobsen, macehead, hornblower, kramer, chalmers, geme, enki, chinese, gilgamesh, values, gurus, birhurturri, sepositus, ball, corresponding, determinative, corresponds, thureau-dangin, tukum-bi, utnapishtim, idrieus, ninmah, scripta, sobolewski, camb, deuteron, egyptian, minoa, calathos, gardiner, meaning, nammu, python, assyrian
Etymological and Critical Notes. Paul Haupt. American Journal of Philology. (1926), pp. 305-318
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A Military Diploma. A. H. Smith. Journal of Roman Studies. (1926), pp. 95-101
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A Revision of Athenian Tribute Lists. Benjamin D. Meritt, Allen B. West. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1926), pp. 55-98
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ΤΥΓΧΑΝΩ for ΤΥΓΧΑΝΩ ΩΝ in Attic Prose. W. L. Lorimer. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1926), pp. 195-200
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A Roman Arbitration of the Second Century B.C.. M. Cary. Journal of Roman Studies. (1926), pp. 194-200
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Eta Sigma Phi. Lambert Case. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1926), pp. 45-49
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Asia Minor, 1924. III.--Monuments from Central Phrygia. W. H. Buckler, W. M. Calder, C. W. M. Cox. Journal of Roman Studies. (1926), pp. 53-94
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Medieval Latin Not for Beginners in Latin. Charles Knapp. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 4, 1926), pp. 1-3
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The So-Called Emphatic Position of the Runover Word in the Homeric Hexameter. Samuel Eliot Bassett. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1926), pp. 116-148
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