pompeii, mosaic, carthage, mosaics, africa, punic, house, african, villa, casa, pompeian, cyrene, pavements, north_africa, lepcis, herculaneum, tesserae, opus, cyrenaica, tunis, floors, mauretania, tripolitania, pernice, leptis, signinum, atrium, volubilis, antioch, afrique, pavement, fourth, maius, blake, numidia, picard, floor, libyan, gauckler, paintings, tanit, tunisia, armerina, limes, pebble, corte, piazza, cirta, hippo, regia
Archaeological News. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1922), pp. 339-387
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Archaeological News. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1922), pp. 89-130
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Archaeological Discussions. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1922), pp. 477-515
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New Publications on Pompeii. A. W. VanBuren. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 27, 1922), pp. 126-127
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Bibliography of Archaeological Books 1921. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1922), pp. 237-259
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Xenophon and Tasso. Samuel E. Bassett. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1922), pp. 176-177
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On Testing Unguents. Eugene S. McCartney. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1922), pp. 177
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The Iconography of the Sacrifice of Isaac in Early Christian Art. Alison Moore Smith. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1922), pp. 159-173
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Tests and Measurements in Latin. C. K.. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 27, 1922), pp. 153-157
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Archaeological Discussions. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1922), pp. 193-236
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