sicily, syracuse, sicilian, dion, diodorus, morgantina, dionysius, timaeus, gela, diod, sybaris, timoleon, dionysios, syracusan, gelon, tyrant, herakleides, foundation, thurii, locri, leontinoi, syracusans, orsi, laqueur, hieron, island, dions, hiero, thourioi, himera, entella, nenci, selinus, ephorus, philistus, tyranny, syrakus, carthaginians, western, cities, tarentum, dionysius_i, colony, rhegium, leontini, parke, pantalica, sybarites, camarina, dunbabin
Archaeological Discussions. William N. Bates. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1914), pp. 199-258
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The Fine Arts and the Classics. W. A. Oldfather. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 12, 1914), pp. 65-67
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ΑΙΤΝΑΙΟΙ ΚΑΝΘΑΡΟΙ. A. C. Pearson. Classical Review. (Nov., 1914), pp. 223-224
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The Augustan Palatium. O. L. Richmond. Journal of Roman Studies. (1914), pp. 193-226
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The Modern Making of Ancient History. Ralph Van Deman Magoffin. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1914), pp. 63-71
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Augustales, Seviri Augustales, and Seviri: A Chronological Study. Lily Ross Taylor. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1914), pp. 231-253
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Etymological Tendencies of the Romans. F. H. Lee. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 17, 1914), pp. 90-96
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Representative Government in the Macedonian Republics. Tenney Frank. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1914), pp. 49-59
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Greek Inscriptions from Sardes V: Decrees of League of the Greeks in Asia and of Sardians Honoring Menogenes. W. H. Buckler, David M. Robinson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1914), pp. 321-362
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The Story of the Strix: Isidorus and the Glossographers. Samuel Grant Oliphant. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1914), pp. 49-63
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The Impeachments of Verres and Hastings: Cicero and Burke. H. V. Canter. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1914), pp. 199-211
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Caesar, Cicero and Ferrero. E. G. Sihler. American Journal of Philology. (1914), pp. 379-399
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