virgil, vergil, theocritus, eclogue, poem, pastoral, poet, georgics, eclogues, song, daphnis, gallus, poetry, idyll, bucolic, lines, tityrus, corydon, menalcas, lycidas, silenus, aristaeus, meliboeus, polyphemus, shepherd, poems, servius, galatea, damoetas, golden_age, orpheus, love, fourth, octavian, thyrsis, theocritean, simichidas, cyclops, poetic, pollio, bees, georgic, contest, rustic, shepherds, verses, varus, bion, geor, arcadia
The Position of Gallus in Eclogue 6. A. J. Woodman. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 593-597
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Ovid's Elegy on Tibullus and Its Models. Joseph D. Reed. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1997), pp. 260-269
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Astacides the Goatherd (Callim. Epigr. 22 PF.). Jennifer Larson. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1997), pp. 131-137
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The Scansion of Pharsalia (Catullus 64.37; Statius, Achilleid 1.152; Calpurnius Siculus 4.101). P. J. Heslin. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 588-593
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The Shield of Turnus ('Aeneid' 7.783-92). M. R. Gale. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1997), pp. 176-196
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Editing Propertius. J. L. Butrica. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 176-208
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Formal Technique and Epithalamial Setting in the Song of the Parcae (CATULLUS 64.305-22, 328-36, 372-80). Marcos Ruiz Sánchez. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1997), pp. 75-88
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Apollo, Ovid, and the Foreknowledge of Criticism (Ars 2.493-512). Sergio Casali. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1997), pp. 19-27
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Three Propertian Puns. Michael Hendry. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 599-603
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"Fluctus Irarum, Fluctus Curarum": Lucretian Religio in the Aeneid. Julia T. Dyson. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1997), pp. 449-457
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A Fresh Look at Herodas' Bucolic Masquerade. Anna Rist. Phoenix. (Autumn - Winter, 1997), pp. 354-363
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Proba's Introduction to Her Cento. R. P. H. Green. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 548-559
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The Statue of Augustus from Prima Porta, the Underground Complex, and the Omen of the Gallina Alba. Jane Clark Reeder. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1997), pp. 89-118
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When Is a Harp a Panpipe? The Meanings of πηκτίς. M. L. West. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 48-55
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A Note on Propertius 1.10.3: Iucunda Voluptas. P. J. Arnold. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 597-598
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Cum carmine crescit et annus: Ovid's Fasti and the Poetics of Simultaneity. Katharina Volk. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1997), pp. 287-313
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Lucretian Moments in Ovidian Elegy. John F. Miller. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1997), pp. 384-398
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Handmaidens of Artemis?. Jennifer Larson. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1997), pp. 249-257
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Cult and Personality in Horace. Jasper Griffin. Journal of Roman Studies. (1997), pp. 54-69
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Subject Reviews. Stephen Halliwell, Alison Sharrock, Hans Van Wees, A. P. Keaveney, Nigel Spivey, Richard Wallace, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1997), pp. 85-120
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Mourning and Community at the Athenian Adonia. Ronda R. Simms. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1997 - Jan., 1998), pp. 121-141
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The Public Image of Licinius I: Portrait Sculpture and Imperial Ideology in the Early Fourth Century. R. R. R. Smith. Journal of Roman Studies. (1997), pp. 170-202
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Horatius: The Man and the Hour. Kenneth J. Reckford. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1997), pp. 583-612
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The Lament of Juturna: Pathos and Interpretation in the Aeneid. Christine Perkell. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1997), pp. 257-286
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