white, black, clay, brown, color, gray, fabric, ware, yellow, slip, dark, paint, buff, coarse, painted, reddish, inclusions, burnished, exterior, bowl, interior, core, fragment, green, fragments, glaze, blue, sherd, base, hard, pres, sherds, surfaces, pink, pale, medium, colors, fired, grey, body, thin, slightly, grits, orange, diam, micaceous, sgraffito, thick, wheelmade, matt
The Legionary Fortress at Lincoln. Graham Webster, D. B. Harden, C. H. V. Sutherland. Journal of Roman Studies. (1949), pp. 57-78
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On Corinthian Terracotta Sculpture. Saul S. Weinberg. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1949), pp. 262-266
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Archaeological News. Ann Perkins. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1949), pp. 36-57
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Vasa Murrina. A. I. Loewental, D. B. Harden, C. E. N. Bromehead. Journal of Roman Studies. (1949), pp. 31-37
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Attic Pottery of the Later Fifth Century from the Athenian Agora. Peter E. Corbett. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1949), pp. 298-351
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Nazca Pottery at Florida State University. George B. Martin-Vegue. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1949), pp. 345-354
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An Early Geometric Grave Near the Athenian Agora. Rodney S. Young. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1949), pp. 275-297
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Investigations at Corinth, 1947-1948. Saul S. Weinberg. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1949), pp. 148-157
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Roman Britain in 1948: I. Sites Explored: II. Inscriptions. Journal of Roman Studies. (1949), pp. 96-115
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Virgil's Agricultural Lore. L. A. S. Jermyn. Greece & Rome. (Jun., 1949), pp. 49-69
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The Roman Craze for Surmullets. Alfred C. Andrews. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 21, 1949), pp. 186-188
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The Carrot as a Food in the Classical Era. Alfred C. Andrews. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1949), pp. 182-196
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An Athenian Fruit Measure. Margaret Crosby. Hesperia. (Jan. - Mar., 1949), pp. 108-113
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Bad Bronze Again. George Thomson. Classical Review. (Sep., 1949), pp. 49
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Metal Working in the Ancient World. Herbert Maryon. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1949), pp. 93-125
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Two Notes on Euripides. E. L. B. Meurig Davies. Classical Review. (Sep., 1949), pp. 49
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Naevius and the Alimonium Remi et Romuli. W. Beare. Classical Review. (Sep., 1949), pp. 49
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Eight Pieces of Pottery. Franklin P. Johnson. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1949), pp. 241-248
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Archaeological Digest. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Sep., 1949), pp. 302-313
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Archaeological Digest. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1949), pp. 200-208
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Archaeological News. C. Bradford Welles. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1949), pp. 150-198
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The Sleep of Philoctetes. D. M. Jones. Classical Review. (Dec., 1949), pp. 83-85
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