magical, magic, curse, tablet, faraone, spell, spells, erotic, tablets, curses, jordan, papyri, defixiones, amulet, texts, pgm2, simaetha, axoa, incantation, amulets, audollent, tabellae, papyrus, repraesentatio, aion, binding, lead, performative, sophron, victim, hexametrical, chiflet, charm, bonner, graf, ouroboros, secchi, directed, formula, tyche, formulary, repraesentare, athenian_agora, delphis, eutychian, abrasax, defixionum, whom, bore, formularies
On a Petersburg MS. of the Septuagint. A. E. Brooke, N. McLean. Classical Review. (May, 1899), pp. 209-211
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Notes on the Tone-Theory. L. D. Barnett. Classical Review. (May, 1899), pp. 208-209
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Proverbs and Tales Common to the Two Sanskrit Epics. Washburn Hopkins. American Journal of Philology. (1899), pp. 22-39
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Archaeological Discussions. American Journal of Archaeology. (Mar. - Jun., 1899), pp. 278-327+329-330
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The Locution infitias it, and the -nt- Suffixes. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1899), pp. 149-168
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