demosthenes, speech, speeches, isocrates, rhetoric, lysias, aeschines, rhetorical, gorgias, speaker, oration, orator, oratory, orators, antiphon, delivered, athens, aristotle, forensic, audience, written, palamedes, sophists, political, isokrates, helen, athenian, orations, blass, assembly, corax, speakers, philip, alcidamas, encomium, syriscus, rhet, androtion, deliberative, philippic, epideictic, aischines, davus, menander, meidias, rhetoricians, plato, lycurgus, hiatus, menexenus
The Speeches in Polybius: An Insight into the Nature of Hellenistic Oratory. Cecil Wooten. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1974), pp. 235-251
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A Further Argument on the Authenticity of Demosthenes 29. Edmund M. Burke. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1974 - Jan., 1975), pp. 53-56
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Rhetoric, Dialectic and Syllogistic Argument: Aristotle's Position in "Rhetoric" I-II. Sally Raphael. Phronesis. (1974), pp. 153-167
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The Strategy of Philip in 346 B. C.. M. M. Markle. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 1974), pp. 253-268
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The Theramenes Myth. Phillip Harding. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1974), pp. 101-111
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Form and Meaning in the Melian Dialogue. C. W. Macleod. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1974), pp. 385-400
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Notes on Aristobulus of Cassandria. P. A. Brunt. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1974), pp. 65-69
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Evagoras I and the Persians, ca. 411 to 391 B.C.. Eugene A. Costa, Jr.. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (1st Qtr., 1974), pp. 40-56
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Ephoros Fragment 76 and Diodoros on the Cypriote War. Catherine I. Reid. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1974), pp. 123-143
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Speech and Narrative in the Aeneid. Gilbert Highet. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1974), pp. 189-229
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Androtion's View of Solon's "Seisachtheia". Phillip Harding. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1974), pp. 282-289
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The War between Heraclea Pontica and Leucon I of Bosporus. Stanley M. Burstein. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1974), pp. 401-416
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Greek Historians and Greek Critics. G. M. A. Grube. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1974), pp. 73-80
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Chronological Biography and Akme in Plutarch. G. H. Polman. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1974), pp. 169-177
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Houses of Classical Athens. J. Walter Graham. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1974), pp. 45-54
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Demosthenic Scholia in Codex Laurentianus 59, 9. Mervin R. Dilts. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 97-102
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Aristotle's History of Poetry. Carnes Lord. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 195-229
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The Idea of the City: Three Views of Athens. John E. Stambaugh. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1974), pp. 309-321
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Octavian in the Senate, January 27 B.C.. W. K. Lacey. Journal of Roman Studies. (1974), pp. 176-184
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Critias: Member of the Four Hundred?. Gabriel Adeleye. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 1-9
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Marcus Aurelius in His Meditations. P. A. Brunt. Journal of Roman Studies. (1974), pp. 1-20
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Postremo Suo Tantum Ingenio Utebatur. A. R. Hands. Classical Quarterly. (Dec., 1974), pp. 312-317
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Aristophanes' Ranae 862: A Note on the Anatomy of Euripidean Tragedy. Gregory W. Dickerson. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1974), pp. 177-188
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The Chronology of Fronto. Edward Champlin. Journal of Roman Studies. (1974), pp. 136-159
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Aspects of Constantinian Propaganda in the Panegyrici Latini. B. H. Warmington. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 371-384
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Brief Reviews. Oliver Taplin, A. C. F. Verity, Oswyn Murray, J. J. Wilkes, Brian A. Sparkes, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1974), pp. 87-103
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An Athenian Law on Silver Coinage. Ronald S. Stroud. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1974), pp. 157-188
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Menander's "Perikeiromene": Misfortune, Vehemence, and Polemon. W. W. Fortenbaugh. The Phoenix. (Winter, 1974), pp. 430-443
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A Use of Myth in Ancient Poetry. C. W. MacLeod. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1974), pp. 82-93
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History or Biography. The Case of Tiberius Caesar. Ronald Syme. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1974), pp. 481-496
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Pax Palamedes. Barry Baldwin. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1974), pp. 293-294
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Crassus' Slippery Eel. Allen M. Ward. Classical Review. (Nov., 1974), pp. 185-186
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The Thessalian Clients of Tiberius Nero. E. Badian. Classical Review. (Nov., 1974), pp. 186
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Intrusive Oblique Infinitives in Herodotus. Guy L. Cooper, III. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1974), pp. 23-76
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The Altar of the Eudanemoi. D. M. Lewis. Classical Review. (Nov., 1974), pp. 186-187
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The Raw and the Cooked in Greek Literature: Structure, Values, Metaphor. Charles Segal. Classical Journal. (Apr. - May, 1974), pp. 289-308
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Fairness and Kindness in Thucydides. Jacqueline de Romilly. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1974), pp. 95-100
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Greek Inscriptions. John McK. Camp II. Hesperia. (Jul. - Sep., 1974), pp. 314-324
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Athenian Politics and Genealogy; Some Pendants. Peter Bicknell. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (2nd Qtr., 1974), pp. 146-163
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Andocides 1. 8 and Thucydides 4. 63. 1. M. H. B. Marshall. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1974), pp. 28-32
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Parisinus Graecus 1962 and the Writings of Albinus. John Whittaker. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1974), pp. 320-354
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Recent Scholarship on the Prose Fiction of Classical Antiquity. Gerald N. Sandy. The Classical World. (Apr. - May, 1974), pp. 321-359
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The 'Tyrannis' and the Exiles of Pisistratus. J. G. F. Hind. Classical Quarterly. (May, 1974), pp. 1-18
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Classics in the Open University. J. Ferguson. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1974), pp. 1-10
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