hair, face, body, neck, front, eyes, legs, drapery, heads, lower, shoulder, nose, folds, upper, slightly, forehead, arms, mouth, female, short, shoulders, piece, relief, beard, chiton, broken, ears, behind, feet, wears, torso, foot, chin, height, lines, himation, around, locks, flat, profile, line, edge, fragment, forward, chest, high, across, male, right_arm, treatment
On Some Mistaken Notions of Algonkin Grammar, and on Mistranslations of Words from Eliot's Bible, & c. J. Hammond Trumbull. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1869 - 1870), pp. 105-123
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On the Best Method of Studying the North American Languages. J. Hammond Trumbull. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1869 - 1870), pp. 55-79
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Contributions to Creole Grammar. Addison van Name. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1869 - 1870), pp. 123-167
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