block, blocks, upper, edge, bottom, face, holes, stone, length, lower, height, base, front, hole, wide, width, cutting, sides, diameter, feet, broken, vertical, corner, high, ends, edges, position, along, flat, slightly, horizontal, slab, depth, cuttings, thickness, dowel, rectangular, outer, size, center, joint, tiles, deep, inches, piece, surfaces, slabs, dimensions, roughly, marble
On 'Os Colvmnatvm' (Plaut. M. G. 211) and Ancient Instruments of Confinement. Frederic D. Allen. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1896), pp. 37-64
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The Throne of Apollo at Amyklae. J. Grafton Milne. Classical Review. (May, 1896), pp. 215-220
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On the Word ἀντηρίδες in Thucydides VII. 36, 2. G. S. Sale. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 7-9
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Appendix: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Session, Providence, R. I., 1896. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1896), pp. i-ciii
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Rhymes and Assonances in the 'Aeneid''. H. T. Johnstone. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 9-13
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Claudius and the Quaestura Gallica. H. F. Pelham. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 6-7
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The More Complicated Figures of Comparison in Plato. George B. Hussey. American Journal of Philology. (1896), pp. 329-346
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Varia Critica. H. W. Hayley. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1896), pp. 215-222
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Pylos and Sphakteria. G. B. Grundy. Classical Review. (Nov., 1896), pp. 371-374
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On the Oscan Words Prúffed and Pruftuset. Frederic D. Allen. Classical Review. (Feb., 1896), pp. 18-19
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