fort, wall, ditch, information, roman_britain, building, pottery, britain, street, road, rampart, stone, wide, sent, buildings, early, ditches, gate, plan, period, camp, occupation, defences, timber, revealed, coins, forts, clay, directed, romano-british, excavated, bank, miles, farm, fourth_century, antonine, enclosure, town, scotland, hadrian, house, line, britannia, flavian, villa, richmond, colchester, iron_age, built, castle
English Words Which Hav Gaind or Lost an Initial Consonant by Attraction. Charles P. G. Scott. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1892), pp. 179-305
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Ἀθηναίων Πολιτεία. G. E. Underhill. Classical Review. (Jul., 1892), pp. 328
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Roberts, Gr. Epigr. 157 (=I. G. A. 58), A. 5-6. W. H. D. Rouse. Classical Review. (Jul., 1892), pp. 328
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A Correction: The Cyropaedeia of Xenophon. H. A. Holden. Classical Review. (Feb., 1892), pp. 75
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Ἵππα: Vis'vā. E. Sibree. Classical Review. (Feb., 1892), pp. 75
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