portrait, portraits, relief, reliefs, sarcophagus, statue, bust, imperial, statues, hellenistic, sarcophagi, aphrodisias, painting, scenes, marble, ara_pacis, frieze, iconography, images, panel, early, heads, monument, trajan, zanker, portraiture, period, busts, panels, villa, paintings, representations, scene, image, emperor, funerary, decoration, augustan, hadrianic, hadrian, late_antique, representation, sculptural, sculptures, augustus, vatican, carved, r_smith, statuary, sebasteion
Some Observations on the Arch of Trajan at Beneventum. Elmer Truesdell Merrill. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1901), pp. 43-63
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The "Trajan-Reliefs" in the Roman Forum. Anna Spalding Jenkins. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1901), pp. 58-82
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Archaeological Discussions. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1901), pp. 225-258
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Some Recent Works on Classical Art. Eugénie Strong. Classical Review. (Apr., 1901), pp. 185-191
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General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America December 27-29, 1900. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1901), pp. 1-36
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ΣΜΙΝΘΕΥΣ, Pestilence and Mice. James Hope Moulton, A. T. C. Cree. Classical Review. (Jun., 1901), pp. 284-285
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Recent Excavations in Rome. Thomas Ashby, Jun.. Classical Review. (Feb., 1901), pp. 85-89
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Bibliography of Archaeological Books 1900. Harold N. Fowler. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1901), pp. 201-223
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Communiqué on Strzygowski's Orient oder Rom. W. E. Crum. Classical Review. (May, 1901), pp. 232-234
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On Local Cults in Britain and Spain. Frank Frost Abbott. Classical Review. (Feb., 1901), pp. 92-93
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A Jonah Monument in the New York Metropolitan Museum. Walter Lowrie. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1901), pp. 51-57
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