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Plato's Enigmatic Lecture 'On the Good'. Konrad Gaiser. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 5-37
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Plato's Semantics and Plato's "Parmenides". Thomas Wheaton Bestor. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 38-75
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ΑΝΑΓΙΓΝΩΣΚΩ and Some Cognate Words. D. J. Allan. Classical Quarterly. (1980), pp. 244-251
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Alexander of Aphrodisias on Vision in the Atomists. Ivars Avotins. Classical Quarterly. (1980), pp. 429-454
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The Discussions of ΆΝΔΡΕΙΑ in the "Eudemian" and Nicomachean "Ethics". M. J. Mills. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 198-218
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An Argument in Metaphysics Z 13. Robert Heinaman. Classical Quarterly. (1980), pp. 72-85
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Aristotle's Biology of Language. Ronald A. Zirin. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1980), pp. 325-347
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Aristotle's Theory of Causal Action in "Physics" III 3. Mary Louise Gill. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 129-147
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Semeion, Tekmerion, Eikos in Aristotle's Rhetoric. W. M. A. Grimaldi. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1980), pp. 383-398
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Literary Criticism in the Exegetical Scholia to the Iliad: A Sketch. N. J. Richardson. Classical Quarterly. (1980), pp. 265-287
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A Survey of Recent Bibliographies of Classical Literature. James H. Dee. The Classical World. (Feb., 1980), pp. 275-290
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Aristotle's Temporal Interpretation of Necessary Coming-to-Be and Stoic Determinism. Michael J. White. The Phoenix. (Autumn, 1980), pp. 208-218
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Empedocles' Hymn to Apollo. Friedrich Solmsen. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 219-227
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In Defence of Aristotle's Theory of Predication. Hermann Weidemann. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 76-87
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The Manuscript Tradition of Seneca's Natural Questions. Harry M. Hine. Classical Quarterly. (1980), pp. 183-217
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Die aristotelische Theorie der Konversion von Modalaussagen. W. Wieland. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 109-116
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Nicander Theriaca 811: A Note. John Scarborough. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1980), pp. 138-140
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Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire: Addenda et Corrigenda to Volume I. John R. Martindale. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1980), pp. 474-497
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Towards a Resolution of the Problem of Τὰ ἐνὶ διαοτήματι γραφόμενα in Pappus' Collection Book VIII. D. E. P. Jackson. Classical Quarterly. (1980), pp. 523-533
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The Place of the "Philebus" in Plato's "Dialogues". R. A. H. Waterfield. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 270-305
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Lucretius and Love. Aya Betensky. The Classical World. (Feb., 1980), pp. 291-299
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Aristotle's Account of Time. David Bostock. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 148-169
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Rhetorical Balance in Aristotle's Definition of the Tragic Agent: Poetics 13. David Armstrong, Charles W. Peterson. Classical Quarterly. (1980), pp. 62-71
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Between Man and God: Sacrifice in the Roman Imperial Cult. S. R. F. Price. Journal of Roman Studies. (1980), pp. 28-43
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History and the Individual in Hesiod's Myth of Five Races. Peter Smith. The Classical World. (Nov., 1980), pp. 145-163
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Brief Reviews. W. Geoffrey Arnott, A. J. Woodman, D. J. Mosley, D. C. A. Shotter, B. A. Sparkes, Jonathan Barnes, P. Walcot, I. McAuslan. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1980), pp. 84-110
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The Selection of Ephors at Sparta. Paul A. Rahe. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (4th Qtr., 1980), pp. 385-401
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Turns and Lanes in the Ancient Stadium. Stephen G. Miller. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr., 1980), pp. 159-166
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Aristotle on Focal Meaning and the Unity of Science. Michael T. Ferejohn. Phronesis. (1980), pp. 117-128
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Goat Island: Od. 9. 116-141. Jenny Strauss Clay. Classical Quarterly. (1980), pp. 261-264
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Sesostris and Herodotus' Autopsy of Thrace, Colchis, Inland Asia Minor, and the Levant. O. Kimball Armayor. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1980), pp. 51-74
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