latin, proceedings, review, volume, boston, weekly, american_philological_association, frank, charles, title, classical_philology, henry, translation, books, oldfather, edition, english, publications, philological, moore, gildersleeve, horace, edward, cloth, smith, entitled, fowler, scott, session, cicero, macmillan, transactions, ajph, allen, jefferson, univ, classics, company, introduction, page, herbert, vergil, volumes, xxxiv, papa, xxxii, xxxiii, xxiii, xxix, xxvi
Appendix: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Session, Chicago, Ill., 1893. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1893), pp. i-lxxv
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'Scots wha hae' / [Idem Graece]. R. Y. Tyrrell. Classical Review. (Jun., 1893), pp. 279-280
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English Words Which Hav Gaind or Lost an Initial Consonant by Attraction. Charles P. G. Scott. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1893), pp. 89-155
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The Scientific Emendation of Classical Texts. E. A. Sonnenschein. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1893), pp. 5-16
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On the Judaeo-German Spoken by the Russian Jews. Leo Wiener. American Journal of Philology. (1893), pp. 41-67
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Diogenes and Delphi. Percy Gardner. Classical Review. (Dec., 1893), pp. 437-439
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"Extended" and "Remote" Deliberatives in Greek. William Gardner Hale. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1893), pp. 156-205
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Two Epidaurian Cures by Asclepius. E. F. Benson. Classical Review. (Apr., 1893), pp. 185-186
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Herondaea. John Henry Wright. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1893), pp. 169-200
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T. S. Brandreth. Arthur Platt. Classical Review. (Mar., 1893), pp. 107-108
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On Some Neglected Evidences of the Sound of C, V, and S in Latin. J. C. Jones. Classical Review. (Feb., 1893), pp. 5-7
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On the Implicit Ethics and Psychology of Thucydides. Paul Shorey. Transactions of the American Philological Association (1870). (1893), pp. 66-88
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