Thematic Index of Classics in JStor
lines, line, words, verse, repetition, word, verses, phrase, position, pattern, beginning, structure, formula, sentence, repeated, effect, phrases, emphasis, metrical, poem, adjective, sense, verbal, clause, caesura, arrangement, passage, verb, preceding, formulae, contrast, repetitions, emphatic, section, unit, patterns, passages, followed, expression, noun, begins, alliteration, formulaic, poet, hexameter, initial, units, follows, adjectives, pair


Rhythm, Style, and Meaning in Cicero's Prose. G. O. Hutchinson. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 485-499 List themes Full text (518 theme words)
Vestigia Ruris: Urbane Rusticity in Virgil's Georgics. Richard F. Thomas. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1995), pp. 197-214 List themes Full text (266 theme words)
Who Speaks the Final Lines? Catullus 62: Structure and Ritual. T. Goud. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1995), pp. 23-32 List themes Full text (202 theme words)
Odysseus and His Audience: Odyssey 9.39-40 and Its Formulaic Resonances. Charles F. Pazdernik. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1995), pp. 347-369 List themes Full text (179 theme words)
Imago Mundi: Another View of the Creation in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Stephen M. Wheeler. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1995), pp. 95-121 List themes Full text (144 theme words)
A Parade of Lyric Predecessors: Horace "C". 1.12-1.18. M. Lowrie. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1995), pp. 33-48 List themes Full text (136 theme words)
The "Performative Future" in Three Hellenistic Incantations and Theocritus' Second Idyll. Christopher A. Faraone. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1995), pp. 1-15 List themes Full text (117 theme words)
Ganymede and Virgilian Ekphrasis. Michael C. J. Putnam. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1995), pp. 419-440 List themes Full text (90 theme words)
Bringing Ovid into the AP Latin Classroom: Pygmalion. Sally Davis. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1995), pp. 273-278 List themes Full text (84 theme words)
A Rediscovered Text of Porphyry on Mystic Formulae. Christopher K. Callanan. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 215-230 List themes Full text (82 theme words)
The Rhetorical Use of Family Terms in Seneca's "Oedipus" and "Phoenissae". Marica Frank. Phoenix. (Summer, 1995), pp. 121-130 List themes Full text (75 theme words)
Reading Cupid's Triumph. John F. Miller. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1995), pp. 287-294 List themes Full text (73 theme words)
Recent Work on Tacitus: 1984-1993. Herbert W. Benario. The Classical World. (Nov. - Dec., 1995), pp. 89-162 List themes Full text (71 theme words)
A Not-so-Minor Character in Terence's Eunuchus. R. H. Martin. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1995), pp. 139-151 List themes Full text (71 theme words)
A Punning Reminiscence of Vergil, Ecl. 10.75-7 in Horace, Epist. 1.5.28-9. D. R. Langslow. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 256-260 List themes Full text (68 theme words)
The Interrogation of Meletus: Apology 24c4-28a1. Lynette Reid Smith. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 372-388 List themes Full text (67 theme words)
Medea's Response to Catullus: Ovid, Heroides 12.23-4 and Catullus 76.1-6. Federica Bessone. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 575-578 List themes Full text (67 theme words)
The Language of the Vindolanda Writing Tablets: An Interim Report. J. N. Adams. Journal of Roman Studies. (1995), pp. 86-134 List themes Full text (64 theme words)
Roman Sculpture and the Ethos of Emulation: Reconsidering Repetition. Elaine K. Gazda. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1995), pp. 121-156 List themes Full text (60 theme words)
Lucretius, 4.420-25. Michael Dyson. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 253-256 List themes Full text (58 theme words)
Threads in the Labyrinth: Competing Views and Voices in Catullus 64. Julia Haig Gaisser. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1995), pp. 579-616 List themes Full text (54 theme words)
Greece in Italy outside Rome. Calvert Watkins. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1995), pp. 35-50 List themes Full text (50 theme words)
Perseus and the Gorgon: Pindar Pythian 12.9-12 Reconsidered. Charles Segal. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1995), pp. 7-17 List themes Full text (48 theme words)
A Delicate Foot on the Well-Worn Threshold: Paradoxical Imagery in Catullus 68b. James J. Clauss. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1995), pp. 237-253 List themes Full text (44 theme words)
Subject Reviews. Jenny March, Duncan F. Kennedy, Hans Van Wees, Thomas Wiedemann, Nigel Spivey, Richard Wallace, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1995), pp. 79-118 List themes Full text (40 theme words)
Tomb Marker and Turning Post: Funerary Columns in the Archaic Period. Elizabeth P. McGowan. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1995), pp. 615-632 List themes Full text (36 theme words)
Narrative and the Messenger in Aeschylus' Persians. James Barrett. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1995), pp. 539-557 List themes Full text (36 theme words)
A Sign of a New Speaker in Plautus and Terence?. Allan Kershaw. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 249-250 List themes Full text (36 theme words)
Incest and Ridicule in the Poenulus of Plautus. George F. Franko. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 250-252 List themes Full text (36 theme words)
Categories of Homeric Wordplay. Bruce Louden. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1995), pp. 27-46 List themes Full text (35 theme words)
The Sea of Love. P. Murgatroyd. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 9-25 List themes Full text (34 theme words)
The Underworld Opening of Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae. Stephen M. Wheeler. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1995), pp. 113-134 List themes Full text (33 theme words)
Names and Death in Horace's "Odes". Michael Paschalis. The Classical World. (Jan. - Feb., 1995), pp. 181-190 List themes Full text (33 theme words)
The Date of Pindar's Fifth Nemean and Bacchylides' Thirteenth Ode. Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 318-332 List themes Full text (29 theme words)
Cebes' Tablet as a Bridge-Text in the Greek Program. R. J. Schork. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1995), pp. 65-69 List themes Full text (28 theme words)
Apollonius Dyscolus and the Ambiguity of Ambiguity. Catherine Atherton. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 441-473 List themes Full text (28 theme words)
Ovid's Use of Lucretius in Metamorphoses 1.67-8. Stephen M. Wheeler. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 200-203 List themes Full text (27 theme words)
Vergil Eclogue 3.37, Theocritus 1 and Hellenistic Ekphrasis. Riemer Faber. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1995), pp. 411-417 List themes Full text (25 theme words)
Ancient Anagrams. Alan Cameron. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1995), pp. 477-484 List themes Full text (24 theme words)
Fragments of Naval Inventories from the Athenian Agora. Julia L. Shear. Hesperia. (Apr. - Jun., 1995), pp. 179-224 List themes Full text (24 theme words)
The Rhetoric of Politics in Cicero's Fourth Catilinarian. Robert W. Cape, Jr.. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1995), pp. 255-277 List themes Full text (23 theme words)
A Note on Ovid, Metamorphoses 11.48. Alan H. F. Griffin. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 578-579 List themes Full text (22 theme words)
On the Date of the Kaisergeschichte. R. W. Burgess. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1995), pp. 111-128 List themes Full text (22 theme words)
Subject Reviews. Jenny March, Duncan F. Kennedy, Hans Van Wees, Thomas Wiedemann, Nigel Spivey, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1995), pp. 221-261 List themes Full text (21 theme words)
Teaching Ovid's Orpheus to Beginners. Sara Mack. Classical Journal. (Feb. - Mar., 1995), pp. 279-285 List themes Full text (19 theme words)
Notes on Air: Four Questions of Meaning in Empedocles and Anaxagoras. Peter Kingsley. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 26-29 List themes Full text (18 theme words)
The Silence of Cephalus: Text and Narrative Technique in Ovid, Metamorphoses 7.685ff.. R. J. Tarrant. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1995), pp. 99-111 List themes Full text (17 theme words)
Historia in the Commentary of Servius. David B. Dietz. Transactions of the American Philological Association. (1995), pp. 61-97 List themes Full text (16 theme words)
Barrier and Transcendence: The Door and the Eagle in Iliad 24.314-21. Emily Katz Anhalt. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 280-295 List themes Full text (14 theme words)
Telemachus' "Laugh" (Odyssey 21.105): Deceit, Authority, and Communication in the Bow Contest. Stanley E. Hoffer. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1995), pp. 515-531 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
Roman Africa: An Archaeological Review. David J. Mattingly, R. Bruce Hitchner. Journal of Roman Studies. (1995), pp. 165-213 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
Tragic Irony in Ovid, Heroides 9 and 11. Sergio Casali. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 505-511 List themes Full text (13 theme words)
The Corinth Amazon: Formation of a Roman Classical Sculpture. Mary C. Sturgeon. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1995), pp. 483-505 List themes Full text (12 theme words)
Proba's Cento: Its Date, Purpose, and Reception. R. P. H. Green. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 551-563 List themes Full text (12 theme words)
Jerome and the "Kaisergeschichte". R. W. Burgess. Historia: Zeitschrift fur Alte Geschichte. (3rd Qtr., 1995), pp. 349-369 List themes Full text (12 theme words)
Greek Love at Rome. Craig A. Williams. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 517-539 List themes Full text (11 theme words)
The Catullan Ego: Fragmentation and the Erotic Self. Ellen Greene. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1995), pp. 77-93 List themes Full text (11 theme words)
Critical Note: Empedocles and His Interpreters. Jaap Mansfeld. Phronesis. (1995), pp. 109-115 List themes Full text (10 theme words)
Agamemnon's Apology and the Unity of the Iliad. Malcolm Davies. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 1-8 List themes Full text (10 theme words)
By Gods, Tongues, and Dogs: The Use of Oaths in Aristophanic Comedy. Matthew Dillon. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1995), pp. 135-151 List themes Full text (10 theme words)
The Athenian Phylai as Associations: Disposition, Function, and Purpose. Nicholas F. Jones. Hesperia. (Oct. - Dec., 1995), pp. 503-542 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Patterns of Madness in Statius' Thebaid. Debra Hershkowitz. Journal of Roman Studies. (1995), pp. 52-64 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
The Character of Bacchis in Terence's Heautontimorumenos. Ortwin Knorr. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1995), pp. 221-235 List themes Full text (9 theme words)
Enacting the Law: Plautus' Use of the Divorce Formula on Stage. Patricia A. Rosenmeyer. Phoenix. (Autumn, 1995), pp. 201-217 List themes Full text (8 theme words)
Self-Movers and Unmoved Movers in Aristotle's Physics VII. Thomas M. Olshewsky. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 389-406 List themes Full text (8 theme words)
The Wisdom of Thales and the Problem of the Word ΙΕΡΟΣ. Michael Clarke. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 296-317 List themes Full text (7 theme words)
Lucretius and the Epicurean Tradition of Piety. Kirk Summers. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1995), pp. 32-57 List themes Full text (7 theme words)
The Lost Archaic Wall around Athens. Robert G. A. Weir. Phoenix. (Autumn, 1995), pp. 247-258 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
Review of Aegean Prehistory IV: The Stone Age of Greece from the Palaeolithic to the Advent of the Neolithic. Curtis Runnels. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1995), pp. 699-728 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
A Flight of Swallows. Karen Polinger Foster. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul., 1995), pp. 409-425 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
Libri Confusi. Timothy W. Boyd. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1995), pp. 35-45 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
Euripides' Judgment: Literary Creation in Andromache. Christina Elliott Sorum. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1995), pp. 371-388 List themes Full text (6 theme words)
Notes on Ovid's Tristia. A. L. Ritchie. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 512-516 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
The Humeima Hoard: Byzantine and Sasanian Coins and Jewelry from Southern Jordan. Erik de Bruijn, Dennine Dudley. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1995), pp. 683-697 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
Giles of Viterbo on the Phlegraean Fields: A Vergilian View?. R. J. Clark. Phoenix. (Summer, 1995), pp. 150-162 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
The Mystery Gourmet of Horace's "Satires 2". Deena Berg. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1995 - Jan., 1996), pp. 141-151 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
The Speech of Pythagoras in Ovid Metamorphoses 15: Empedoclean Epos. Philip Hardie. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 204-214 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
Sharing out Land: Two Passages in the Corpus Agrimensorum Romanorum. J. B. Campbell. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 540-546 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
Intertextual Hermeneutics in Vergil's Fourth and Fifth Eclogues. Thomas K. Hubbard. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1995), pp. 11-23 List themes Full text (5 theme words)
Family Ties: Significant Patronymics in Euripides' Andromache. Susanna Phillippo. Classical Quarterly. (1995), pp. 355-371 List themes Full text (5 theme words)