fire, water, earth, wind, rain, winds, heat, cold, weather, night, lightning, storm, clouds, thunder, burning, eruption, snow, volcanic, cloud, winter, drought, darkness, smoke, hail, fires, flame, earthquakes, flames, pumice, phenomena, destruction, moisture, volcano, boreas, rains, etna, fiery, caused, exhalation, storms, lava, weather_lore, summer, vesuvius, signs, stars, thunderbolts, mist, conflagration, eruptions
The Folk Calendar of Times and Seasons. Eugene S. McCartney. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 2, 1922), pp. 3-7
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Vergil's Seamanship. Mary Bradford Peaks. The Classical Weekly. (May 15, 1922), pp. 201-205
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Lua Mater: Fire, Rust, and War in Early Roman Cult. H. J. Rose. Classical Review. (Feb. - Mar., 1922), pp. 15-18
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Homeric Hymn to Hermes 109 f. H. P. Cholmeley. Classical Review. (Feb. - Mar., 1922), pp. 14-15
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Studies in Greek Noun-Formation: Dental Terminations III. Walter Petersen. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1922), pp. 44-85
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The Geography of the Beacon Passage in the Agamemnon. W. M. Calder. Classical Review. (Nov. - Dec., 1922), pp. 155-159
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Biblical Studies. Paul Haupt. American Journal of Philology. (1922), pp. 238-249
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Sex Determination and Sex Control in Antiquity. Eugene S. McCartney. American Journal of Philology. (1922), pp. 62-70
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The Logic of the Homeric Simile. Paul Shorey. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1922), pp. 240-259
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Browning's Ancient Classical Sources. Thurman Los Hood. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1922), pp. 79-180
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Archaeological Discussions. Sidney N. Deane. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1922), pp. 193-236
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Aeschylus, Prometheus Vinctus 801. Margaret E. Hirst. Classical Review. (Feb. - Mar., 1922), pp. 18
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The Dithyramb: An Anatolian Dirge. W. M. Calder. Classical Review. (Feb. - Mar., 1922), pp. 11-14
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Two Passages in Pindar. F. A. Wright. American Journal of Philology. (1922), pp. 164-165
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Aristotle on "Coming-to-Be" and "Passing Away". Paul Shorey. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1922), pp. 334-352
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The Oxhma-PNEUMA of the Neo-Platonists and the De Insomniis of Synesius of Cyrene. Robert Christian Kissling. American Journal of Philology. (1922), pp. 318-330
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General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, December 28-30, 1921. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1922), pp. 77-87
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Xenophon and Tasso. Samuel E. Bassett. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1922), pp. 176-177
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Virgil's Fifth Eclogue: A Defence of the Julius Caesar-Daphnis Theory. D. L. Drew. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1922), pp. 57-64
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Patricians and Plebeians at Rome. H. J. Rose. Journal of Roman Studies. (1922), pp. 106-133
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Moving Pictures among the Romans. Henry S. Gehman. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 23, 1922), pp. 97-100
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Nature in Ovid. C. K.. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 16, 1922), pp. 17-18
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The Ancient Curse: Some Analogies. A. D. Fraser. Classical Journal. (May, 1922), pp. 454-460
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Pompey's Campaign against Mithradates. J. G. C. Anderson. Journal of Roman Studies. (1922), pp. 99-105
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Some Literary Papyri in the University of Michigan Collection. J. G. Winter. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1922), pp. 128-141
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The Loeb Classical Library Again (Concluded). C. K.. The Classical Weekly. (May 8, 1922), pp. 197-199
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The Prelude of the Agamemnon. J. T. Sheppard. Classical Review. (Feb. - Mar., 1922), pp. 5-11
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Hendiadys: Is There Such a Thing? (Based on a Study of Vergil). E. Adelaide Hahn. The Classical Weekly. (May 8, 1922), pp. 193-197
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Life and Letters in the Papyri. Robert C. Horn. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1922), pp. 487-502
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Plotiniana. E. R. Dodds. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1922), pp. 93-97
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Syllabification and Syllabic Quantity in Greek and Latin. E. H. Sturtevant. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1922), pp. 35-51
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The Work of the American Academy in Rome. Monroe N. Wetmore. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1922), pp. 324-329
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The Exposure of Children at Athens and the ἐγχυτρίστριαι. H. Bolkestein. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1922), pp. 222-239
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Glossographica. H. J. Thomson. American Journal of Philology. (1922), pp. 352-355
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Lampadedromia Graeca. Ernest Barker. Classical Review. (May - Jun., 1922), pp. 50-52
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Catalepton VII. A. W. VanBuren. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1922), pp. 115-116
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In and out of Sparta. Joseph William Hewitt. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1922), pp. 153-164
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The Fasti of Ovid and the Augustan Propaganda. Katharine Allen. American Journal of Philology. (1922), pp. 250-266
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American Academy in Rome. C. K.. The Classical Weekly. (May 1, 1922), pp. 190
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The Site of the Battle of Pharsalia. J. P. Postgate. Journal of Roman Studies. (1922), pp. 187-191
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Problems of Secondary Latin. Herbert C. Nutting. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1922), pp. 377-388
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Picus-Who-Is-Also-Zeus. W. R. Halliday. Classical Review. (Aug. - Sep., 1922), pp. 110-112
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Virginia Georgics. Herbert C. Lipscomb. American Journal of Philology. (1922), pp. 228-237
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