empedocles, parmenides, heraclitus, aristotle, anaxagoras, diels, things, anaximander, theophrastus, democritus, fragment, earth, fragments, xenophanes, simplicius, kirk, fire, opposites, strife, doctrine, guthrie, aetius, zeno, frag, presocratic, water, philosophy, cosmogony, cosmic, melissus, kahn, anaximenes, cosmos, phys, love, infinite, philosophers, philolaus, plato, mixture, thales, raven, hippolytus, everything, burnet, pythagoreans, universe, seeds, diogenes, cornford
Between Religion and Philosophy: The Function of Allegory in the "Derveni Papyrus". André Laks. Phronesis. (1997), pp. 121-142
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Greek Religion and Philosophy in the Sisyphus Fragment. Charles H. Kahn. Phronesis. (1997), pp. 247-262
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The Ever-Moving Soul in Plato's "Phaedrus". Dougal Blyth. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1997), pp. 185-217
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Plutarch on the Probable Principle of Cold: Epistemology and the De Primo Frigido. George Boys-Stones. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 227-238
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Subject Reviews. Stephen Halliwell, Alison Sharrock, Hans Van Wees, A. P. Keaveney, Nigel Spivey, Richard Wallace, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Apr., 1997), pp. 85-120
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What Does E Pluribus Unum Mean?: Reading the Classics and Multicultural Literature Together. Kristina Chew. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1997), pp. 55-81
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Aristotle on Metaphor. John T. Kirby. American Journal of Philology. (Winter, 1997), pp. 517-554
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Apollo, Ovid, and the Foreknowledge of Criticism (Ars 2.493-512). Sergio Casali. Classical Journal. (Oct. - Nov., 1997), pp. 19-27
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Modern Paroemiology and the Use of Gnomai in Homer's Iliad. André Lardinois. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1997), pp. 213-234
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The Tomb from Tigrane Pasha Street and the Iconography of Death in Roman Alexandria. Marjorie Susan Venit. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1997), pp. 701-729
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What's Wrong with the Aristotelian Theory of Sensible Qualities?. Todd Stuart Ganson. Phronesis. (1997), pp. 263-282
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Cretan Laws and Cretan Literacy. James Whitley. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct., 1997), pp. 635-661
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Law, Magic, and Culture in the "Apologia" of Apuleius. Keith Bradley. The Phoenix. (Summer, 1997), pp. 203-223
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Thrasymachus B1: Discord, Not Diplomacy. Harvey Yunis. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1997), pp. 58-66
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Postscript on Silent Reading. M. F. Burnyeat. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 74-76
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Subject Reviews. Stephen Halliwell, Alison Sharrock, Hans Van Wees, A. P. Keaveney, Nigel Spivey, P. Walcot. Greece & Rome. (Oct., 1997), pp. 218-258
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Homeric ΔΙΙΠΕΤΕΟΣ ΠΟΤΑΜΟΙΟ and the Celestial Nile. R. Drew Griffith. American Journal of Philology. (Autumn, 1997), pp. 353-362
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Towards Interculturalism in Class. John B. Van Sickle. The Classical World. (Sep. - Oct., 1997), pp. 47-52
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Libanius on Constantine Again. Pierre-Louis Malosse. Classical Quarterly. (1997), pp. 519-524
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