himself, friends, political, personal, public, friend, whom, friendship, attitude, position, reputation, conduct, having, towards, toward, enemies, praise, private, cause, return, influence, claim, speech, charges, power, true, actions, themselves, felt, career, gratitude, done, favor, matter, advice, action, accused, respect, behaviour, attack, court, motives, claims, motive, role, moral, loyalty, occasion, reasons, take
The Seventh and Eighth Platonic Epistles. J. Harward. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1928), pp. 143-154
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Tiberius and the Development of the Early Empire. Frank Burr Marsh. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1928), pp. 14-27
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Centurio Romanus: "A First-Class Fightin' Man". Charles S. Smith. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 15, 1928), pp. 17-22
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The Deification of Demetrius Poliorcetes: Part I. Kenneth Scott. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 137-166
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A Study in the Commercial Relations between Egypt and Syria in the Third Century before Christ. George McLean Harper, Jr.. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 1-35
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Crime and Criminals in the Plays of Aristophanes. LaRue Van Hook. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1928), pp. 275-285
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Phormio the Magnificent. Edith R. Godsey. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 10, 1928), pp. 65-67
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Cicero: A Sketch. W. A. Oldfather. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1928), pp. 404-424
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Herodotus and Athens. J. Wells. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1928), pp. 317-331
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The Trial of Socrates. J. O. Lofberg. Classical Journal. (May, 1928), pp. 601-609
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Demosthenes, Son of Alcisthenes. Eric Charles Woodcock. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1928), pp. 93-108
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Heracles and His Successors: A Study of a Heroic Ideal and the Recurrence of a Heroic Type. Andrew Runni Anderson. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1928), pp. 7-58
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The 'Equites Illustres'. H. Hill. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1928), pp. 77-82
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Some Interpretations of Greek Plays. Mary R. Glover. Classical Review. (Jul., 1928), pp. 97-106
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Basilica Aemilia. Walton Brooks McDaniel. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1928), pp. 155-178
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Three Notes on Juvenal. H. C. Nutting. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 253-266
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Cicero and His House on the Palatine. W. B. McDaniel, 2d. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1928), pp. 651-661
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The Legal Status of Clodius Albinus in the Years 193-96. C. E. van Sickle. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1928), pp. 123-127
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The Newly Discovered Cyrenaean Inscription and the Alleged Imperium Majus Proconsulare of Augustus. Donald McFayden. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1928), pp. 388-393
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Martial, the Suburbanite. A. R. Bellinger. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1928), pp. 425-435
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In Defense of Chaerea in the Eunuch of Terence. Casper J. Kraemer, Jr.. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1928), pp. 662-667
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Horace, Odes IV. 12. C. M. Bowra. Classical Review. (Nov., 1928), pp. 165-167
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The Third Satire of Persius. G. L. Hendrickson. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1928), pp. 332-342
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On Sparing the Vanquished (Aeneid vi. 853). Eugene S. McCartney. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1928), pp. 456-457
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Some Aspects of Dramatic Irony in Sophoclean Tragedy. S. K. Johnson. Classical Review. (Dec., 1928), pp. 209-214
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Aristophanes' Pax 695-699. D. L. Drew. Classical Review. (May, 1928), pp. 56-57
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The Deification of Demetrius Poliorcetes: Part II. Kenneth Scott. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 217-239
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Theseus. A National Hero. Walter R. Agard. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1928), pp. 84-91
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Vergil's Motivation of the "Aeneid". Frank J. Miller. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1928), pp. 28-44
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Attic Land Rents before Solon. John A. Scott. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1928), pp. 457-459
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Some Remarks on Cicero as a Student. Charles Knapp. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 19, 1928), pp. 49-53
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Horace and the Moral Function of Poetry. J. Tate. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1928), pp. 65-72
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Herodes II. 6-8. A. D. Knox. Classical Review. (Nov., 1928), pp. 163-165
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Terence's Contribution to Plot-Construction. Tenney Frank. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 309-322
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Proceedings of the Sixtieth Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Also of the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Philological Association of the Pacific Coast. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1928), pp. i-cviii
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The Petition of a State Farmer in Roman Egypt. Clinton W. Keyes. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1928), pp. 25-29
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Tacitus, Annals IV. 12. An Interpretation and a Correction. E. C. Marchant. Classical Review. (Dec., 1928), pp. 217-219
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Notes on Achaean Prosopography and Chronology. Allen B. West. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1928), pp. 258-269
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Alexander of Abonuteichos. A. D. Nock. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1928), pp. 160-162
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Miscella. H. C. Nutting. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1928), pp. 287-289
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March 1, 50 B. C.. C. G. Stone. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1928), pp. 193-201
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Apophoreta. S. L. Mohler. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1928), pp. 248-257
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A Thucydidean Paraenetic Discourse. Paul Shorey. Classical Journal. (Apr., 1928), pp. 485-488
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Horace's Tiburtine Villa. G. H. Hallam. Classical Review. (Sep., 1928), pp. 125-127
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The Classical Poems of Tennyson. Edmund D. Cressman. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1928), pp. 98-111
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Homer's Ithaca and the Adjacent Islands. A. D. Fraser. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1928), pp. 213-238
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'Imitation' in Plato's Republic. J. Tate. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1928), pp. 16-23
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A Note on the Title 'Gemina.'. E. B. Birley. Journal of Roman Studies. (1928), pp. 56-60
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Some Literary Interests of Fifteenth Century German Students. Eva Matthews Sanford. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1928), pp. 72-98
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Some Survivals of Magic in Roman Religion. Eli Edward Burriss. Classical Journal. (Nov., 1928), pp. 112-123
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The Oxford "Smalls" and Some Other Matters. Mildred Dean. The Classical Weekly. (Dec. 3, 1928), pp. 58-60
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The Historia Augusta: Its Date and Purpose. A Reply to Criticism. Norman H. Baynes. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1928), pp. 166-171
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Vocis Flexus, Modulatio, and Plasma in Latin Phonology. Mark Harvey Liddell. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1928), pp. 5-18
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Non-Reciprocal Uses of ἁλλήλων. W. A. Heidel. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1928), pp. 176-179
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The First Satire of Persius. G. L. Hendrickson. Classical Philology. (Apr., 1928), pp. 97-112
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Plautus and His Public. W. Beare. Classical Review. (Jul., 1928), pp. 106-111
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The Status of Latin in the Junior High School. W. L. Carr. Classical Journal. (Jan., 1928), pp. 286-295
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The Third Year Reading Program in Latin. Herbert C. Nutting. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1928), pp. 369-373
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Was Persius Not a 'Micher'?. G. B. A. Fletcher. Classical Review. (Nov., 1928), pp. 167-168
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A Metrical Inscription from the Necropolis of Eutresis. Hetty Goldman. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1928), pp. 179-181
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The Discovery of the Wonder Child. Marbury Bladen Ogle. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1928), pp. 179-204
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Lucilian Genealogy. Allen B. West. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 240-252
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Tacitus, Histories I. 13. H. C. Nutting. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1928), pp. 172-175
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The Conquests of the Latin Language. Roland G. Kent. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1928), pp. 191-212
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Kybelē and Gallos in the Hittite Texts. A. H. Sayce. Classical Review. (Nov., 1928), pp. 161-163
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Reflection and Commentary at the Beginning of a Verse. J. Clyde Murley. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 354-360
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Χθαμαλός in Homer. Homer F. Rebert. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1928), pp. 377-387
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Homeric Laughter. Joseph William Hewitt. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1928), pp. 436-447
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Note on Metellus Celer's Letter to Cicero. R. G. C. Levens. Classical Review. (Nov., 1928), pp. 171-172
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A Roman Answer to the Salary Question. S. L. Mohler. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 30, 1928), pp. 105-107
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A Classical Background for Fascism. A. Pelzer Wagener. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1928), pp. 668-677
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Archaeological News. Edward H. Heffner, A. W. Van Buren, E. P. B., W. F. Albright, George A. Barton. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1928), pp. 66-123
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Alexander at the Caspian Gates. Andrew Runni Anderson. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1928), pp. 130-163
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A Study in Latin Prognosis. Jacob S. Orleans, Michael Solomon. Classical Journal. (Dec., 1928), pp. 174-190
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Notes on the Philoctetes of Sophocles. S. K. Johnson. Classical Review. (May, 1928), pp. 55-56
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The Teaching of Derivatives as Treated in a Recent First-Year Latin Book. Lester M. Prindle. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1928), pp. 3-13
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The Constitutio Antoniniana in the Light of the Γνώμων Τοῦ Ἰδίου Λόγου. Charles Lawton Sherman. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1928), pp. 33-47
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The Most Modern Voice from Antiquity. Charles C. Mierow. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1928), pp. 348-358
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Inscriptions from Jerash. A. H. M. Jones. Journal of Roman Studies. (1928), pp. 144-178
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The Sortes Vergilianae. Helen A. Loane. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 30, 1928), pp. 185-189
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Livy XLV. 12. W. R. Halliday. Classical Review. (Nov., 1928), pp. 172
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Archaeological Discussions. Edward H. Heffner, E. P. B.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Oct. - Dec., 1928), pp. 502-534
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Two Passages in the Agamemnon. Henry S. Dawson. Classical Review. (May, 1928), pp. 53-55
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The Hymn to Hermes. T. L. Agar. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1928), pp. 34-38
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The Acquisition of a Vocabulary in Latin. Raymond D. Harriman. Classical Journal. (Feb., 1928), pp. 359-368
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Administration of Justice in Rural Attica. Robert J. Bonner. Classical Philology. (Jan., 1928), pp. 19-24
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Latin Elegiacs from Corinth. Lily Ross Taylor, Allen B. West. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1928), pp. 9-22
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Aristotle's 'Lost Chapter of Comedy' (Concluded). Kendall K. Smith. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 26, 1928), pp. 153-156
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Hymns and Sequences of the Sarum Use; An Approach to the Study of Medieval Hymnology. Ruth Ellis Messenger. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1928), pp. 99-129
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Archaeological Discussions. Edward H. Heffner. American Journal of Archaeology. (Apr. - Jun., 1928), pp. 182-220
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A Discussion of Some Passages in the Prologue to the Georgics. (I. 14, 15 and 27). Gertrude Hirst. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1928), pp. 19-32
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The Danaoi. Leicester B. Holland. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1928), pp. 59-92
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Teiresias and the Snakes. Alexander Haggerty Krappe. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 267-275
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Latin and English. Charles N. Smiley. Classical Journal. (Oct., 1928), pp. 45-56
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General Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America, December 28-30, 1927. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Mar., 1928), pp. 56-65
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Juvenal III. 186-9. J. O. Thomson. Classical Review. (Nov., 1928), pp. 172
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The Homeric Gloss: A Study in Word-Sense. Milman Parry. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1928), pp. 233-247
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Prosody and Method II. The Metrical Properties of GN. A. E. Housman. Classical Quarterly. (Jan., 1928), pp. 1-10
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Remarks on Teaching Vergil. Bessie R. Burchett. The Classical Weekly. (May 21, 1928), pp. 214-216
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Sophocles' Antigone. A. C. Pearson. Classical Quarterly. (Jul. - Oct., 1928), pp. 179-190
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Lucretius V. 1341-9. R. B. Onians. Classical Review. (Dec., 1928), pp. 215-217
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The Value of Post-Graduate Study. E. W. Delcamp. Classical Journal. (Mar., 1928), pp. 448-455
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Aristotle's 'Lost Chapter on Comedy'. Kendall K. Smith. The Classical Weekly. (Mar. 19, 1928), pp. 145-148
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The First Idyl of Moschus in Imitations to the Year 1800. James Hutton. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 105-136
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Greek and Roman Weather Lore of the Sun and the Moon (Concluded). Eugene S. McCartney. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 29, 1928), pp. 33-37
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A Reorganization of the Latin Curriculum in Secondary Schools. Benjamin L. D'Ooge. Classical Journal. (Jun., 1928), pp. 683-692
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The Fitzwilliam Goddess. Arthur J. Evans. Classical Review. (May, 1928), pp. 61-62
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Platonica. L. A. Post. American Journal of Philology. (1928), pp. 368-374
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Παραιτει̑σθαι = Ἀθετει̑ν. George Melville Bolling. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1928), pp. 101-106
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Latin in Colonial Virginia. Martha W. Hiden. The Classical Weekly. (Nov. 12, 1928), pp. 41-45
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Some Ancient Manifestations of the Religious Impulse. Hubert McNeill Poteat. Classical Journal. (May, 1928), pp. 573-587
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Scholarship (Concluded). Charles Knapp. The Classical Weekly. (Jan. 16, 1928), pp. 89-93
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Roman York: Excavations of 1926-1927. S. N. Miller. Journal of Roman Studies. (1928), pp. 61-99
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Miscellanea. T. W. Allen. Classical Quarterly. (Apr., 1928), pp. 73-76
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The First Editor of Lucretius. A. E. Housman. Classical Review. (Sep., 1928), pp. 122-123
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Caesar, De Bello Gallico 7.45-52 the Attack at Gergovia a Case of the "Limited Objective". Lincoln MacVeagh. The Classical Weekly. (Apr. 23, 1928), pp. 177-181
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