root, lith, meaning, goth, base, germ, sense, kind, words, walde, deriv, dial, lett, norw, cognate, obulg, boisacq, strike, russ, swell, sea-fish, american_journal_of_philology, sharp, samoan, split, named, prius, roots, development, german, primary_meaning, arist, drahkani, pointed, prellwitz, chsl, duplication, away, caedere, posterius, meanings, wood, whence, developed, n-forms, polynesian, n-flexion, walde2, belong, bulg
West Germanic Preterits with E2 from IE ĒI. Edwin W. Fay. American Journal of Philology. (1918), pp. 291-298
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Syncretism in the Indo-European Dative. Walter Petersen. American Journal of Philology. (1918), pp. 1-26
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Lithuanian gaudonẽ 'Horse-Fly'. Harold H. Bender. American Journal of Philology. (1918), pp. 314-315
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Syncretism in the Indo-European Dative. Walter Petersen. American Journal of Philology. (1918), pp. 117-144
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A Semantic Study of licio. N. W. DeWitt. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1918), pp. 311-313
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The Real Nature of Dissimilation. Albert J. Carnoy. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1918), pp. 101-113
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The Terminology of Anatomy. Spencer Trotter. The Classical Weekly. (Feb. 25, 1918), pp. 131-134
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The Festuca and the Alapa of Manumission. R. G. Nisbet. Journal of Roman Studies. (1918), pp. 1-14
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Personification in Thucydides. Charles Forster Smith. Classical Philology. (Jul., 1918), pp. 241-250
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Some Folk-Lore of Ancient Physiology and Psychology (Continued). Eugene S. McCartney. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 28, 1918), pp. 26-29
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Praevaricatio and Delirium. Norman W. de Witt. American Journal of Philology. (1918), pp. 407-408
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The Pupula Duplex and Other Tokens of an "Evil Eye" in the Light of Ophthalmology. Walton Brooks McDaniel. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1918), pp. 335-346
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Scheria-Corcyra. A. Shewan. Classical Philology. (Oct., 1918), pp. 321-334
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Some Folk-Lore of Ancient Physiology and Psychology. Eugene S. McCartney. The Classical Weekly. (Oct. 14, 1918), pp. 18-21
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