pers, creole, trin, trag, plaut, hayti, septen, louis, mart, stative, deponent, trinidad, troch, licere, louisiana, lucil, o0oo, trix, dutch, decl, merc, anap, carm, licert, moin, frag, scholl, cursives, copt, martinique, mauritius, prol, capt, octon
The Text of Aristotle's De Motu Animalium. Martha C. Nussbaum. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 111-159
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Homeric Pathos and Objectivity. Jasper Griffin. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 161-187
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A Consular Epicurean under the Early Principate. P. M. Swan. The Phoenix. (Spring, 1976), pp. 54-60
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The 'Theban Eagle'. Richard Stoneman. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 188-197
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The Unmoved Mover in Early Aristotle. H. J. Easterling. Phronesis. (1976), pp. 252-265
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Zoologica Pindarica. E. K. Borthwick. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 198-205
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Sophocles Oedipus Tyrannus 80-81. Lowell Edmunds. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1976), pp. 41-44
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Some Thoughts on the Archaic Use of Metron. Raymond Aldoph Prier. The Classical World. (Nov., 1976), pp. 161-169
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Euripides IA 1550 and Achilles Tatius 3.14.3. James N. O'Sullivan. American Journal of Philology. (Summer, 1976), pp. 111-113
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Paralysis and Akrasia in Eth. Nic. 1102 b16ff. A. W. H. Adkins. American Journal of Philology. (Spring, 1976), pp. 62-64
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The Development of the Quaestorship, 267-81 B. C.. W. V. Harris. Classical Quarterly. (1976), pp. 92-106
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