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Bibliography of Current Archaeological Literature 1897. Harold N. Fowler. American Journal of Archaeology. (Nov. - Dec., 1897), pp. 525-580
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Appendix: Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual Session, Bryn Mawr, Pa., 1897. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1897), pp. i-xcix
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The Trial of the Alcmeonidae and the Cleisthenean Constitutional Reforms. George Willis Botsford. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1897), pp. 1-22
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Lucretius and Cicero. E. G. Sihler. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1897), pp. 42-54
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Are the Letters of Horace Satires?. G. L. Hendrickson. American Journal of Philology. (1897), pp. 313-324
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Archaeological Discussions. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Oct., 1897), pp. 388-453
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Traces of Indo-European Accentuation in Latin. Hermann Collitz. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1897), pp. 92-110
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Superstitions and Popular Beliefs in Greek Comedy. Ernst Riess. American Journal of Philology. (1897), pp. 189-205
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The Origin of Roman Praenomina. George Davis Chase. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1897), pp. 103-184
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Note on Lucan VIII 7. W. E. Heitland. Classical Review. (May, 1897), pp. 206-207
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Cretan Expedition VIII. The Prehistoric Grotto at Miamù. Antonio Taramelli. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jul. - Oct., 1897), pp. 287-312
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The Subjunctive in Independent Sentences in Plautus. II. E. P. Morris. American Journal of Philology. (1897), pp. 275-301
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Mute and Liquid in Greek Melic Poetry. Herbert Weir Smyth. Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association. (1897), pp. 111-143
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The Fourth Thesis of the Homeric Hexameter. C. M. Mulvany, R. C. Seaton, Arthur Platt. Classical Review. (Apr., 1897), pp. 151-154
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The Quotation from 'Genesis' in the 'De Sublimitate '(IX. 9). W. Rhys Roberts. Classical Review. (Dec., 1897), pp. 431-436
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Notes to the Agricola of Tacitus. Alfred Gudeman. Classical Review. (Oct., 1897), pp. 325-332
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The Use of enim in Plautus and Terence. Willard K. Clement. American Journal of Philology. (1897), pp. 402-415
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The Lengthening of Final Syllables by Position before the Fifth Foot in the Homeric Hexameter. T. L. Agar. Classical Review. (Feb., 1897), pp. 29-31
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Caecilius of Calacte. W. Rhys Roberts. American Journal of Philology. (1897), pp. 302-312
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The Subjunctive in Independent Sentences in Plautus. III. E. P. Morris. American Journal of Philology. (1897), pp. 383-401
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On Lucian's Nigrinus. Emily James Smith. American Journal of Philology. (1897), pp. 339-341
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Diaeresis at Every Foot in Latin Hexameter, Phalaecean and Choliambic Verse. Emory B. Lease. Classical Review. (Apr., 1897), pp. 148-150
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Hesiodea. Thomas W. Allen. Classical Review. (Nov., 1897), pp. 396-398
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Greek Grave-Reliefs. Richard Norton. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. (1897), pp. 41-102
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Greek Metrical Inscriptions from Phrygia (Continued). A. Souter. Classical Review. (Feb., 1897), pp. 31-32
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First Annual Report of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies in Rome. Wm. Gardner Hale, Minton Warren, Clement L. Smith, Arthur L. Frothingham, Jr.. American Journal of Archaeology. (Jan. - Feb., 1897), pp. 5-68
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Sixteenth Annual Report of the Managing Committee of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Thomas Day Seymour, Rufus B. Richardson, Charles Waldstein, J. R. S. Sterrett. American Journal of Archaeology. (Mar. - Apr., 1897), pp. 91-122
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The Minor Works of Xenophon. (Continued). Xenophon, H. Richards. Classical Review. (Jun., 1897), pp. 229-237
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Two Editions of Parts of Suetonius' Lives. Franklin T. Richards. Classical Review. (Feb., 1897), pp. 63-65
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